Abel Salgado Romero created CXF-5896:

             Summary: Limiting upload size with "attachment-max-size" or 
"org.apache.cxf.io.CachedOutputStream.MaxSize" not working
                 Key: CXF-5896
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-5896
             Project: CXF
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: WS-* Components
         Environment: Tomcat 6, CXF 2.7.3
            Reporter: Abel Salgado Romero


I’m using a WebService with MTOM and Base64 for file transfer and everything 
works fine. However I received the requirement to limit the size of the file 
uploaded at a framework level avoid any OutOfMemory error before the files are 
fully transferred to the client.
So far, these errors only happen when using the Base64, files bigger than 30 
MB, but we want to limit the size no matter the protocol (MTOM or Base64).
Searching for information the only thing found has been this 
http://cxf.apache.org/docs/jax-rs-multiparts.html, however it not very clear in 
its use or if the values are set in KB, bytes, etc.
Anyway I have configured out WebService setting the properties but they seem to 
be ignored, I have tried also setting the system properties…and nothing happens.
Here is what I tried in my endpoint configuration.
<jaxws:endpoint id="service" implementor="#serviceImpl"
                        <entry key="attachment-directory" 
value="c:/cxf/uploads" />
                        <entry key="attachment-memory-threshold" value="10" />
                        <entry key="attachment-max-size" value="10" />

I noted that the documentation states “jaxrs:properties”, ¿does this only work 
for Jax-RS?

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