Generic interface and Implementation

                 Key: CXF-3722
             Project: CXF
          Issue Type: Bug
    Affects Versions: 2.2
         Environment: CXF 2.2.6
Windows XP
Tomcat 6 
Code First
            Reporter: Deboschère Tony
            Priority: Minor

I ve createad a Generic interface, let say IGenericInterface<TYPE extends 
MyAbstracTypeOne, TYPE2 extends MyAbstractTypeTwo>
In this interface  are some méthode like : 

public TYPE getTypeFromType2(TYPE2);

In another interface I extends IGenericInterface
and add some specific methods 

ex : 
ISpecificInterface extends IgenericInterface<MySubTypeOne, MySubTypeTwo> {

public MySubTypeOne getTest();


When I implement ISpecificInterface in an implementation class, then add the 
@Webservice @WebResult and other @WebParam  and launch my server 
I do see a web service with two methods in the wsdl

getTest and getTypeFromType2.
But the second method returns xml corresponding to the abstractType 
MyAbstracTypeOne and not MySubTypeOne

PS : I launch the webservice serverside via : 
Object webServiceImpl = webServiceClass.newInstance();
Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.create(webServiceImpl);
endpoint.publish("/" + name);

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