CXF - Monday, August 8, 2011
  5 Issues with Attachments
  (sorted oldest to newest)
    [CXF-3366] Avoid parsing the SOAP Body to DOM in WS-Security processing 
unless necessary
      - Created: 2011-02-25
      - Updated: 2011-08-04
      - Type: Improvement
      - Fix Versions: []
      - Reporter: Colm O hEigeartaigh
      - Assigned: Colm O hEigeartaigh
      - Attachments: [CXF-3366.patch, cxf-3366-example.patch, cxf-3366.patch, 
    [CXF-3612] wsdl2java error while parsing WSDL having policyreferences 
within wsdl
      - Created: 2011-06-22
      - Updated: 2011-07-25
      - Type: Bug
      - Fix Versions: [NeedMoreInfo]
      - Reporter: Vivek Rai
      - Assigned: Unassigned
      - Attachments: [Needles20110503-DMZ.wsdl]
    [CXF-3635] WS-Trust SPNego (WCF message level spnego)
      - Created: 2011-07-06
      - Updated: 2011-07-21
      - Type: New Feature
      - Fix Versions: []
      - Reporter: Tom Schneider
      - Assigned: Unassigned
      - Attachments: []
    [CXF-3685] IDEs flagging issue in the jax_rs_basic_https sample project (as 
packaging related).
      - Created: 2011-07-25
      - Updated: 2011-07-26
      - Type: Bug
      - Fix Versions: []
      - Reporter: Robert Liguori
      - Assigned: Unassigned
      - Attachments: [packaging_issue.gif]
    [CXF-3686] Adjust sample project method calls that should be accessed in a 
static manner.
      - Created: 2011-07-26
      - Updated: 2011-07-26
      - Type: Improvement
      - Fix Versions: []
      - Reporter: Robert Liguori
      - Assigned: Unassigned
      - Attachments: [diff_1.txt, diff_2.txt, diff_3.txt, diff_4.txt, 
diff_5.txt, diff_6.txt]

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