Freeman Fang commented on CXF-3505:


Thanks for the testcase, I believe you're using JDK5,right? I can see this 
difference when I switch back to use JDK5, as with JDK6, by default it will 
always use SUN built-in activation lib unless we endorse it, so with JDK6 this 
problem is more severe, as you'll always see this bug.

Yeah,using SUN activation lib can cause your conclusion 1)cannot release 
But your conclusion 2)if user-application doesn't consume the inputstream, just 
close it. A temporary file will be left on disk and keep open(which I believe 
tracked by another jira CXF-3504) has nothing to do with this issue, it's 
actually caused by a bug in org.apache.cxf.attachment.MimeBodyPartInputStream, 
after close MimeBodyPartInputStream, shouldn't be able to read it, which isn't 
the case currently.


> CXF attachment doesn't compatible with SUN's  ACTIVATION library
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CXF-3505
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-3505
>             Project: CXF
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: ext2
>            Assignee: Freeman Fang
>         Attachments: attachment-clean.zip
> if using sun's javax.activation api (version 1.1) instead of geronimo's 
> activation api. CXF's attachments . the http connection cannot be released 
> corrrectly;

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