Make more packages optional in the CXF JAX-RS OSGI bundle to reduce runtime dependencies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Key: CXF-3500 URL: Project: CXF Issue Type: Improvement Components: Build system, JAX-RS, OSGi Affects Versions: 2.3.4, 2.4 Environment: JDK 1.6 Eclipse Equinox 3.6.2 Reporter: Ka-Lok Fung Priority: Minor Fix For: 2.4.1, 2.3.5 Attachments: cxf-jaxrs-bundle-pom-23.diff, cxf-jaxrs-bundle-pom-24.diff The Import-Package line in the CXF JAX-RS bundle has packages which are required but are actually optional. Here's a list of packages that should be optional in the 2.3.x stream: {quote} org.apache.neethi;resolution:=optional,*;resolution:=optional, org.apache.xml.resolver*;resolution:=optional, org.objectweb.asm;resolution:=optional, javax.mail*;version="[0.0,2)";resolution:=optional, {quote} Here's a list of packages that should be optional in the trunk (2.4.x) stream: {quote}*;resolution:=optional, org.apache.xml.resolver*;resolution:=optional, org.objectweb.asm;resolution:=optional, org.osgi.service.blueprint*;resolution:=optional, javax.mail*;version="[0.0,2)";resolution:=optional, javax.wsdl*;resolution:=optional, {quote} Proposed patches to both streams attached. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. For more information on JIRA, see: