Cannot use <jaxws:client createdFromAPI=true> to configure proxies created with JaxWsProxyFactory -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Key: CXF-3310 URL: Project: CXF Issue Type: Improvement Reporter: Daniel Kulp Assignee: Daniel Kulp Fix For: 2.3.3 The <jaxws:client createdFromAPI=true> setup works perfectly for clients created with the generated Service class or using the pure JAXWS Service objects. However, if you need to use the JaxWsProxyFactory, it does not pick up any configuration. The reason is that the call to configureObject with the JaxWsProxyFactory object is done in the ServiceImpl, not as part of the JaxWsProxyFactory.create() call. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - For more information on JIRA, see: