
Dennis Sosnoski commented on CXF-352:

This is an old issue, and in the interim some aspects of WS-RM have been 
clarified. WS-RM must *not* change the WS-A MessageID in resent messages (see 
 since it is the same message being resent. But it needs to replace the 
SequenceAcknowledgement if present, and also must run the message through 
security processing again (if applicable). Resending a secured message with the 
same Timestamp is totally broken behavior.

So the existing retransmission behavior works only for unsecured messages, and 
only for WS-RM implementations which are tolerant of bad 
SequenceAcknowledgement values.

> Update WS-A MessageID and WS-RM  Acknowledgement headers in resent messages
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CXF-352
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-352
>             Project: CXF
>          Issue Type: Task
>          Components: WS-* Components
>            Reporter: Andrea Smyth
> Currently a message is resent as is. This implies use of the originally 
> assigned messageID, and works because we are by default tolerant against 
> duplicate messageIDs .  To be strictly compliant, the resent  message should 
> be given a new ID. Once we are updating the headers, we may also either 
> remove any pre-existing SequenceAcknowledgement header (it  may be 
> out-of-date, but that does not cause any harm) or, for  efficiency, replace 
> it with an up-to-date SequenceAcknowledgement.
> Requires re-running the message through a selective chain of  interceptors or 
> else a manual approach to updating the headers in question. and subsequently 
> re-marshalling the messge.

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