
Stephane Nicoll commented on CXF-2959:

Hi Daniel,

This issue is missing the 2.3.0 fix version.


> XMLBeans - XmlBeansSchemaInitializer can't support http schema location
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CXF-2959
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-2959
>             Project: CXF
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: OtherDatabindings
>    Affects Versions: 2.2.6
>            Reporter: Sébastien
>            Assignee: Daniel Kulp
>             Fix For: 2.2.11
>         Attachments: BsbXmlBeansDataBinding.java, 
> BsbXmlBeansSchemaInitializer.java
> Currently CXF doesn't seem to support schema localized on the web. For 
> instance if a schema have imports like these:
>     <xsd:import namespace="http://www.myCompany.com/sf/scheduler/core";
> schemaLocation="http://www.myCompany.com/schemas/sf/scheduler/core/scheduler-core.xsd"/>
>     <xsd:import namespace="http://www.myCompany.com/sf/execution/core";
> schemaLocation="http://www.myCompany.com/schemas/sf/execution/core-interface/execution-core.xsd"/>
> CXF tries to load the local file:
> schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans/src/http://www.myCompany.com/schemas/sf/scheduler/core/scheduler-core.xsd
> Moreover, it could be interesting to support an XML schema catalog avoiding 
> to load the schema from the net. In that way the upper URL could be mapped to 
> the following local file: 
> schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans\src\com\myCompany\sf\scheduler\core\scheduler-core.xsd

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