Documentation: Provide complete set of application servers that Apache CXF runs 

                 Key: CXF-3026
             Project: CXF
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: Documentation
            Reporter: Robert Liguori
            Priority: Minor

The "Application Server Specific Configuration Guide" details configuration 
settings for Apache CXF against a variety of servers (JBoss, WebLogic, 
Websphere and OC4J)

Can someone update the documentation so that all specific versions that are 
supported are documented.

Below is a quick list of some application/web servers. Can those application 
servers that are supported with CXF, be detailed on this page 
), or a similar page.  

Note: Providing a table simliar to that found on this NetBeans page 
( may help.

Maybe something like this:

|Application Server | Version | CXF supported and tested | 
|WebLogic           | 9.2    | Yes                       |
|Other server       | 1.0    | no                        |
|ETC.               | ETC.   | ETC.                      |

Various Servers listed below, are they supported?
Glassfish V1 UR1
Glassfish V2
Glassfish V 3.0.x

Sun Java System Application Server 8.2 
Sun Java System Application Server 9.0 UR1
Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 UR2

Sun Java System Web Server 7.0

Apache Tomcat 5.x
Apache Tomcat 6.0.x

JBoss 4.0.4
JBoss 4.0.5 and later 4.x versions
JBoss 5.0.x

Oracle WebLogic 9.x
Oracle WebLogic 10.x

IBM WebSphere 6.x

Oracle OC4J 10g

SAP BusinessOne 1.0

JOnAS 4.7.x
JOnAS 4.8.x

Sailfin v1
Sailfin v2



Spring versions

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