"Why CXF?" web page needs updating.

                 Key: CXF-3015
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-3015
             Project: CXF
          Issue Type: Improvement
            Reporter: Robert Liguori
            Priority: Minor

The "Why CXF?" web page needs updating.

Here are a few suggestions:

-- Since this appears to be the entry point of the user guide, define WSDL as 
they are introduced (i.e., CXF, JAXB, WSDL, etc.) and possibly note their 
associated JSRs.

-- In the WS-* Support section, list all WS-* that are supported, not just a 

-- In the Apache License section, link to the license.

-- Resources: perhaps have a resourses section somewhere on this page on in the 
user guide for related books (i.e. 
  Note that you site books on the main page of the ActiveMQ site.

-- Spring is referenced... provide a link to the Spring website.

-- This is a page on why to use CXF, I think you can provide some 
stronger/additional arguments as to the benefits of CXF.  


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