
Julien Vey updated DOSGI-70:

    Attachment: cxf-dosgi-ri-discovery-distributed.patch

in the enclosed patch :

I found the best way to do this was to restart the ZookeeperDiscovery.
The restart is done when one of the interfaceMonitor gets a KeeperState.Expired 
event, which means it has been able to reconnect to the zookeeper server but it 
can no longer watch the node because the session has expired

> Reconnect automatically to Zookeeper after a connection loss / timeout
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: DOSGI-70
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DOSGI-70
>             Project: CXF Distributed OSGi
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Discovery
>    Affects Versions: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2
>            Reporter: Julien Vey
>         Attachments: cxf-dosgi-ri-discovery-distributed.patch
> When a remote service is disconnected from the ZooKeeper Server and when the 
> session is expired, it should be able to try to reconnect automatically.
> Here the discussion on the mailing list : 
> http://old.nabble.com/DOSGI-Discovery-with-Zookeeper%2C-re-establish-session-after-a-timeout-tt28305408.html
> Some links to zookeeper about this matter
> http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/ZooKeeper/FAQ#A3
> http://hadoop.apache.org/zookeeper/docs/current/zookeeperProgrammers.html#ch_zkSessions

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