There is no way to specify autoRewriteSoapAddress from a spring context file.

                 Key: CXF-2770
             Project: CXF
          Issue Type: Bug
    Affects Versions: 2.2.7
            Reporter: Yaytay
            Priority: Minor

I need to be able to use the autoRewriteSoapAddress facility in conjunction 
with CXF.

    <jaxws:endpoint id="wsServer" implementor="#server" 
address=""; depends-on="jetty-factory" >
            <entry key="autoRewriteSoapAddress" value="true"/> 

Queried as this: http://localhost:8080/Maths?wsdl 
Produces this: <soap:address location="**"; /> 

It seems that the properties are only set on the endpoint 
(AbstractWSDLBasedEndpointFactory:176), but autoRewriteSoapAddress is looked 
for on the EndpointInfo (WSDLQueryHandler:278).
It's not at all clear to me what the correct fix is - somehow we need to be 
able to specify properties on the EndpointInfo.

This is a relatively minor problem for code that makes use of just CXF (because 
one can write code to iterate the endpoints, get the infos and set the 
property), but for projects that use CXF within something else it's a bigger 
problem - for example I want to use CXF with Camel, configured entirely with a 
spring context file.
The code I use to walk the endpoints and set the property is, roughly:
            String[] serverRegistryNames = beanFactory.getBeanNamesForType( 
ServerRegistry.class );

            for ( String serverRegistryName : serverRegistryNames )
                ServerRegistry serverRegistry = ( ServerRegistry ) 
beanFactory.getBean( serverRegistryName );
                List<Server> servers = serverRegistry.getServers();

                for ( Server server : servers )
"autoRewriteSoapAddress", true );

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