No Answer from Web Services when using HTTP/1.1 and chunking=true on multiple 

                 Key: DOSGI-64
             Project: CXF Distributed OSGi
          Issue Type: Bug
    Affects Versions: 1.1
         Environment: Sun Netra 5120, Java 6, felix 2.0.1
            Reporter: Michael Zehender

The included web server (paxweb respectively jetty) has a race condition so 
that there is no response from the web service upon invocation of a web 
service. After the configured time a SocketTimeoutException occurs (which is 60 
seconds by default!).

We can triggered this bug in our production environment which is a Sun Netra 
5120 and has 64 cores. From about 20000 requests about 100 failed.

The workaround is to disable chunking in the clients configuration however as 
we have a lot of throughput that raised the answer time considerably. This 
works for now but as the requests get more we need HTTP/1.1 chunking support so 
that the connections aren't re-established upon each request.

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