
Ravi Sukheja commented on CXF-2605:

Hi Daniel,

Yes, it definetely worked. Thanks a lot in fixing the problem.

When you say "The element in the schema SHULD have had a 'form="qualified"', 
does it not have it, look at the below schema from the WSDL.

<xsd:schema attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" 

Also, we have @ResponseWrapper as below, will targetNamespace be considered or 
not. Was their bug in earlier version with this parameter?

@ResponseWrapper(localName = "loginXMLResponse", targetNamespace = 
"http://www.dbquant.com/";, className = 


> Object argument is passed as null
> ---------------------------------
>                 Key: CXF-2605
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-2605
>             Project: CXF
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.2.4
>            Reporter: Ravi Sukheja
>         Attachments: package-info.java, StatusService.xml, 
> StatusService_211.xml
> Hi,
> We are using CXF-2.1.1 for our webservices and rest services, recently I 
> upgraded it to 2.2.4 as there was bug 2ith 2.1.1 when you go to /services to 
> view the list of all webservices and rest services. Upgrading to 2.2.4 seems 
> to fix that problem, but one of our webservice has stopped working, client is 
> passing the right object argument, but the service is getting null. I don't 
> know what the problem is. Any help would be appreciated.

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