cxf-common-xsd plugin generated files differ from xjc generated ones

                 Key: CXF-2614
             Project: CXF
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: Tooling
    Affects Versions: 2.2.5
         Environment: $ mvn --version
Apache Maven 2.2.1 (r801777; 2009-08-06 14:16:01-0500)
Java version: 1.6.0
Java home: D:\Program Files\IBM\RAD75\jdk\jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
OS name: "windows xp" version: "5.1 build 2600 service pack 3" arch: "x86" 
Family: "windows"
            Reporter: Craig Tataryn

Noticed a problem where *cxf-common-xsd* was spitting out {{.java}} files that 
didn't have a {{setContent(String)}} method when their corresponding 
{{<xsd:element>}} types had a {{mixed="true"}} attribute.

I setup a test (which will be attached), ran both xjc from the command line 
(see {{xjc-output}} directory in the attached test project) as well as setting 
up a pom file to run cxf-common-xsd against the same set of schemas.

There is a type in {{datatypes-base.xsd}} called {{BIN}} which extends a base 
type called {{ANY}}.  {{BIN}} has been marked with {{mixed="true"}} and thus 
it's {{}} class should have a {{setContent(String)}} method.  When 
running the xsd through xjc from the command line, it does indeed generate a 
{{}} file with a {{setContent(String)}} method.

The definition of BIN is as follows:

        <xs:complexType name="BIN" abstract="true" mixed="true">
            Binary data is a raw block of bits. Binary data is a
            protected type that MUST not be used outside the data
            type specification.
                <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
                        <xs:extension base="ANY">
                                <xs:attribute name="representation" 
type="BinaryDataEncoding" use="optional" default="TXT">
                     Specifies the representation of the binary data that
                     is the content of the binary data value.

I ran this command after running {{mvn clean package}} from the base directory 
of the test project:

{{diff xjc-output/org/hl7/v3/ 
target/generated/src/main/java/org/hl7/v3/ > xcj-vs-plugin.diff}}

And the diff output is (note "<" are from the xjc file, ">" is from the 
cxf-common-xsd generated ones):

< // This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) 
Reference Implementation, vJAXB 2.1.3 in JDK 1.6 
> // This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) 
> Reference Implementation, vhudson-jaxb-ri-2.1-833 
< // Generated on: 2010.01.11 at 08:29:22 PM CST 
> // Generated on: 2010.01.11 at 08:42:50 PM CST 
< import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlValue;
< @XmlType(name = "BIN", namespace = "urn:hl7-org:v3", propOrder = {
<     "content"
< })
> @XmlType(name = "BIN")
< public abstract class BIN {
> public abstract class BIN
>     extends ANY
> {
<     @XmlValue
<     protected String content;
<      * 
<      *             Binary data is a raw block of bits. Binary data is a
<      *             protected type that MUST not be used outside the data
<      *             type specification.
<      *          
<      * 
<      * @return
<      *     possible object is
<      *     {...@link String }
<      *     
<      */
<     public String getContent() {
<         return content;
<     }
<     /**
<      * 
<      *             Binary data is a raw block of bits. Binary data is a
<      *             protected type that MUST not be used outside the data
<      *             type specification.
<      *          
<      * 
<      * @param value
<      *     allowed object is
<      *     {...@link String }
<      *     
<      */
<     public void setContent(String value) {
<         this.content = value;
<     }
<     /**

First thing I noticed is that cxf-common-xsd is using 
{{vhudson-jaxb-ri-2.1-833}} as it's jaxb-ri, which is different than my JDK.  
Secondly, I noticed that cxf-common-xsd also correctly extends the ANY type, 
where my jdk's xjc didn't, but then forgets to respect the {{mixed="true"}} 

I'm almost assuming in this instance both implementations are right and wrong, 
one should be extending ANY, the other should be including setContent(String)!

Is there any type of work around?

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