Interceptor to work around SoapAction bug in Tibco Business Works -----------------------------------------------------------------
Key: CXF-2612 URL: Project: CXF Issue Type: Improvement Components: Soap Binding Affects Versions: 2.2.5 Reporter: Christian Schneider Assignee: Christian Schneider Fix For: 2.3 Tibco Business Works expects the soap action header to be spelled in CamelCase. By default CXF uses the SOAPAction header which is soap standard compliant. So we should add an interceptor that adds a header SoapAction for Tibco BW with the contents of the header of SOAPAction. This way people working with Tibco BW can simply add this interceptor to make CXF compatible with Tibco BW. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.