javac calling problem when creating client in DynamicClientFactory

                 Key: CXF-2567
             Project: CXF
          Issue Type: Improvement
         Environment: linux
            Reporter: Wilson Lam
            Priority: Minor

When there are multiple JDK on a machine, DynamicClientFactory is currently not 
supported to switch javac executable since CXF always call default javac.

The problem comes from compileJavaSrc:
Class - org.apache.cxf.endpoint.dynamic.DynamicClientFactory
Method - compileJavaSrc()
[ Code segment ]
        javacCommand[0] = "javac";
        javacCommand[1] = "-classpath";
        javacCommand[2] = classPath;        
        javacCommand[3] = "-d";
        javacCommand[4] = dest;
        javacCommand[5] = "-target";
        javacCommand[6] = "1.5";
return javaCompiler.internalCompile(javacCommand, 7);

There is no mechanism in Complier.internalCompile() to detect JAVA_HOME and 
execute the desired javac command. Another Complier method "compileFiles()" is 
better in this way:

Class - org.apache.cxf.common.util.Complier
Method - compileFiles()
[ Code segment ]
        if (new File(System.getProperty("java.home") + fsep + 
platformjavacname).exists()) {
            // check if java.home is jdk home
            javacstr = System.getProperty("java.home") + fsep + 
        } else if (new File(System.getProperty("java.home") + fsep + ".." + 
fsep + "bin" + fsep
                            + platformjavacname).exists()) {
            // check if java.home is jre home
            javacstr = System.getProperty("java.home") + fsep + ".." + fsep + 
"bin" + fsep
                       + platformjavacname;

It is possible to add this JAVA_HOME checking in Complier.internalCompile() or 
DynamicClientFactory. compileJavaSrc() ?

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