WSSCTest fails with OutOfMemoryError with 64 bit jdk 5 on aix -------------------------------------------------------------
Key: CXF-2371 URL: Project: CXF Issue Type: Bug Environment: 64 bit jdk 5 aix Reporter: Peter Jones Priority: Minor The WSSCTest seems to hit an OutOfMemoryError with the 64 bit jdk it creating the service for the 4th or 5th last of the IPingServices which are tested (usually at the _X_IPingService). Looks like it's trying to parse the service wsdl at the point of running out of memory. Can work around the issue by splitting the number of tests to be run into two groups and running half the tests in one test method and half in another test method rather than testing all the services in a single loop in the one test. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.