CXF - Monday, June 8, 2009 10 Issues with Attachments (sorted oldest to newest) [CXF-1880] org.apache.cxf.xjc.ts.ToStringPlugin cannot be used with a 1.6 JVM - Created: 2008-10-20 - Updated: 2009-06-05 - Type: Bug - Fix Versions: [] - Reporter: Chris McClelland - Assigned: Unassigned - Attachments: [] - [CXF-2083] XMLBeans - XmlBeansSchemaInitializer can't handle xs:import - Created: 2009-03-04 - Updated: 2009-05-22 - Type: Bug - Fix Versions: [] - Reporter: Knut Ivar Skogland - Assigned: Willem Jiang - Attachments: [CXFTestXmlBeansXSD.rar] - [CXF-2218] NoClassDefFoundError exception thrown for org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.ResponseImpl - Created: 2009-05-14 - Updated: 2009-05-24 - Type: Bug - Fix Versions: [] - Reporter: Hendy Irawan - Assigned: Unassigned - Attachments: [cxf221arghh.txt] - [CXF-2223] Proxy authentication failure with SSL tunneling - Created: 2009-05-18 - Updated: 2009-05-26 - Type: Bug - Fix Versions: [] - Reporter: Mathieu Chauvin - Assigned: Unassigned - Attachments: [cxf.xml] - [CXF-2230] details & faultactor are issing from webservice response - Created: 2009-05-21 - Updated: 2009-05-27 - Type: Bug - Fix Versions: [2.1.5] - Reporter: amit rathi - Assigned: Unassigned - Attachments: [,] - [CXF-2231] JaxWs client send null values resulting in empty body of soap message - Created: 2009-05-21 - Updated: 2009-05-21 - Type: Bug - Fix Versions: [] - Reporter: Valerio Schiavoni - Assigned: Unassigned - Attachments: [CreateSummary.wsdl] - [CXF-2234] Unmarshalling with JAXB of a method that is defined in an inherited interface results in an NPE exception - Created: 2009-05-22 - Updated: 2009-06-05 - Type: Bug - Fix Versions: [] - Reporter: Tom - Assigned: Unassigned - Attachments: [services.rar] - [CXF-2245] Can't set orb properties in CorbaBindinfgFactory - Created: 2009-05-29 - Updated: 2009-05-29 - Type: Bug - Fix Versions: [] - Reporter: Eamonn Dwyer - Assigned: Unassigned - Attachments: [CorbaBindingFactoryRefactor.diff] - [CXF-2252] Add support JAX-WS for DOSGi - Created: 2009-06-05 - Updated: 2009-06-05 - Type: New Feature - Fix Versions: [dOSGi-1.1] - Reporter: Josh Holtzman - Assigned: Unassigned - Attachments: [dosgi_jaxws.diff] - [CXF-2259] Code generation results for version 2.1.4(ok) vs 2.1.5 and 2.2.x(exception) differ - Created: 2009-06-07 - Updated: 2009-06-07 - Type: Bug - Fix Versions: [] - Reporter: Gena Ganebnyi - Assigned: Unassigned - Attachments: [2009-04-04.ec2.wsdl] -