CXF - Monday, July 7, 2008 8 Issues with Attachments (sorted oldest to newest) [CXF-1355] Port Jsr181HandlerMapping from Xfire - Created: 2008-01-04 - Updated: 2008-07-04 - Type: New Feature - Fix Versions: [] - Reporter: Jara Cesnek - Assigned: Unassigned - Attachments: [] - [CXF-1390] Upgrade to Spring 2.5 - Created: 2008-01-11 - Updated: 2008-06-11 - Type: Bug - Fix Versions: [] - Reporter: Dan Diephouse - Assigned: Unassigned - Attachments: [cxf-spring-demo.war, cxf-spring-error.war, cxf-spring-error_stacktrace.rtf] - [CXF-1405] @ProduceMime not used when selecting target method on a resource - Created: 2008-01-24 - Updated: 2008-07-03 - Type: Bug - Fix Versions: [] - Reporter: Frank Lynch - Assigned: Unassigned - Attachments: [patch.txt] - [CXF-1648] org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapFault: Error reading XMLStreamReader. - Created: 2008-06-12 - Updated: 2008-07-02 - Type: Sub-task - Fix Versions: [] - Reporter: victor escutia - Assigned: Unassigned - Attachments: [docuStampCXF.rar, docuStampCXFClient.rar, lista_libs.rar] - [CXF-1683] ExtendedURIResolver returns relative paths after resolving a URI relative to another one. - Created: 2008-07-04 - Updated: 2008-07-04 - Type: Bug - Fix Versions: [] - Reporter: Dave Leatherdale - Assigned: Unassigned - Attachments: [CXF-1683.diff] - [CXF-1684] URIResolver cannot resolve relative paths with with zip: scheme - Created: 2008-07-04 - Updated: 2008-07-04 - Type: Improvement - Fix Versions: [] - Reporter: Dave Leatherdale - Assigned: Unassigned - Attachments: [CXF-1684.diff] - [CXF-1685] Not possible to pass empty parameter to the maven-codegen-plugin - Created: 2008-07-04 - Updated: 2008-07-04 - Type: Improvement - Fix Versions: [] - Reporter: Dave Leatherdale - Assigned: Unassigned - Attachments: [CXF-1685.diff] - [CXF-1686] maven-codegen-plugin: Add ability to specify a default set of options for all wsdls in a project. - Created: 2008-07-04 - Updated: 2008-07-04 - Type: Improvement - Fix Versions: [] - Reporter: Dave Leatherdale - Assigned: Unassigned - Attachments: [CXF-1686.diff] -