CXF codegen plugin creating classes with references to defunct JAXB 
AccessorOrder class

                 Key: CXF-1672
             Project: CXF
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: JAXB Databinding, WS-* Components
    Affects Versions: 2.0.7, 2.1.1, 2.0.6, 2.1
         Environment: Kubuntu 7.10, Eclipse 3.3.2, IndexStock WSDL, Maven 
2.0.9, Java version: 1.5.0_13, OS name: "linux" version: "2.6.22-15-generic" 
arch: "i386", SpringFramework 2.5.4 (except spring-remoting, which is 2.0.8 
because it apparently hasn't been caught up), CXF 2.1.1
            Reporter: Philip Schlesinger

Hi all - hoping you can help on this one.


I'm generating sources with the CXF Maven plugin.  mvn test ends up throwing an 
exception as it can't find the class javax/xml/bind/annotation/AccessorOrder - 
which apparently was released as part of jaxb-api 2.0EA3 but disappeared as 
soon as jaxb-api 2.0 was finalized.  Full log will be attached to this post.

The 2.0EA3 class is available as part of the EOL'd Sun JWSDP, available here:

If you unpack the download and look through the jaxb-api.jar, you'll find the 
AccessorOrder class

However, as of 2.0 release, it's now XMLAccessorOrder class.  Meanwhile, 
maven's junit plugin is looking for AccessorOrder.

How do I fix this?

- Phil

JAXB dependencies:


Exclusions for each of the CXF dependencies in the pom because I com.sun.* 
makes things fail:


codegen plugin:


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