Nicolás Vázquez updated CLOUDSTACK-10456:
    Security:     (was: Public)

> CloudStack GSoC 2023 - Extend Import-Export Instances to the KVM Hypervisor
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CLOUDSTACK-10456
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-10456
>             Project: CloudStack
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>            Reporter: Nicolás Vázquez
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: gsoc2023, part-time
> Github issue: [https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/issues/7127]
> Description:
> The Import-Export functionality is only allowed for the Vmware hypervisor. 
> The functionality is developed within a VM ingestion framework that allows 
> the extension to other hypervisors. The Import-Export functionality consists 
> on few APIs and the UI to interact with them:
>  * listUnmanagedInstances: Lists unmanaged virtual machines (not existing in 
> CloudStack but existing on the hypervisor side)
>  * importUnmanagedInstance: Import an unmanaged VM into CloudStack (this 
> implies populating the database with the corresponding data)
>  * unmanageVirtualMachine: Make CloudStack forget a VM but do not remove it 
> on the hypervisor side
> The complexity on KVM should be parsing the existing XML domains into 
> different resources and map them in CloudStack to populate the database 
> correctly.

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