I am looking for anything that is essentially "official" (as in made by id
Software for the most part, or something officially sanctioned by them) for
Quake III Arena and Team Arena.  I hadn't heard about anything they had
released that wasn't included with the games/patches, but I've been finding
some stuff lately (as I'm getting a little back into Quake).  So far I'd
dug up the following:

pro-q3tourney7 (for Q3A)
qcon2kgallery (for Q3A)
mpteam9 (for Q3TA)
TA_mappak1b (for Q3TA)
TA_mappak2 (for Q3TA)

I am also currently downloading the Dreamcast levels for Q3A; I own the
Dreamcast game from a long time ago (I remember picking it up after I had
already had my Q3A phase in 1999-2000), but never knew the levels had been
released for the PC version (not sure if done officially or by the

If there's anything else I should look into, I'd appreciate the info.

-Richard L Zarth III
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