Next step: 891dcc1072f1fa27a83da920d88daff6ca08fc02 (powerpc/dma: remove
git clone git:// -b powerpc-dma.6 a
git checkout 891dcc1072f1fa27a83da920d88daff6ca08fc02
Note: checking out '891dcc1072f1fa27a83da920d88daff6ca08fc02'.
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
HEAD is now at 891dcc1... powerpc/dma: remove dma_nommu_dma_supported
Link to the Git:
Results: PASEMI onboard ethernet works and the X5000 (P5020 board)
boots. I also successfully tested sound, hardware 3D acceleration,
Bluetooth, network, booting with a label etc. The uImages work also in a
virtual e5500 quad-core QEMU machine.
-- Christian
On 09 January 2019 at 10:31AM, Christian Zigotzky wrote:
Next step: a64e18ba191ba9102fb174f27d707485ffd9389c (powerpc/dma:
remove dma_nommu_get_required_mask)
git clone git:// -b powerpc-dma.6 a
git checkout a64e18ba191ba9102fb174f27d707485ffd9389c
Link to the Git:
Results: PASEMI onboard ethernet works and the X5000 (P5020 board)
boots. I also successfully tested sound, hardware 3D acceleration,
Bluetooth, network, booting with a label etc. The uImages work also in
a virtual e5500 quad-core QEMU machine.
-- Christian
On 05 January 2019 at 5:03PM, Christian Zigotzky wrote:
Next step: c446404b041130fbd9d1772d184f24715cf2362f (powerpc/dma:
remove dma_nommu_mmap_coherent)
git clone git:// -b powerpc-dma.6 a
git checkout c446404b041130fbd9d1772d184f24715cf2362f
Note: checking out 'c446404b041130fbd9d1772d184f24715cf2362f'.
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again.
git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
HEAD is now at c446404... powerpc/dma: remove dma_nommu_mmap_coherent
Link to the Git:
Result: PASEMI onboard ethernet works and the X5000 (P5020 board) boots.
-- Christian
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