On 30/11/17 01:11, Yisheng Xie wrote:
> Hi, Jean,
> On 2017/11/29 23:01, Jean-Philippe Brucker wrote:
>> On 29/11/17 06:08, Yisheng Xie wrote:
>>> On 2017/10/6 21:31, Jean-Philippe Brucker wrote:
>>>> +int iommu_process_bind_device(struct device *dev, struct task_struct 
>>>> *task,
>>>> +                        int *pasid, int flags)
>>>> +{
>>> [..]
>>>> +                  err = iommu_process_attach_locked(context, dev);
>>>> +                  if (err)
>>>> +                          iommu_process_put_locked(process);
>>> one ref for a context is enough right? so also need call 
>>> iommu_process_put_locked()
>>> if attach ok, or will be leak if user call bind twice for the same device 
>>> and task.
>> I wasn't sure, I think I prefer taking one ref for each bind. If user
>> calls bind twice, it should call unbind twice as well (in case of leak we
>> free the context on process exit).
>> Also with this implementation, user can call bind for two devices in the
>> same domain, which will share the same context structure. So we have to
>> take as many refs as bind() calls.
> hmm, it has two ref, one for _context_ and the other for *process* (or maybe 
> mm for
> your next version), right? For each bind it will take a ref of context as 
> present
> design. but why also process ref need be taken for each bind? I mean it seems 
> does
> not break _user can call bind for two devices in the same domain_.
> And if you really want to take a ref of *process* for echo bind, you should 
> put it when
> unbind, right? I just not find where you put the ref of process when unbind. 
> But just put
> the process ref when free context.
> Maybe I just miss something.

No you're right I misunderstood, sorry about that. Each context has a
single ref to a process, so we do need to drop the process ref here as you
pointed out.

I thought I exercised this path though, I'll update my test suite. Also
attach_locked shouldn't take a context ref if attach fails...

Thanks a lot,
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