This patch adds the support to check for and enable SME when available
on the processor and when the mem_encrypt=on command line option is set.
This consists of setting the encryption mask, calculating the number of
physical bits of addressing lost and encrypting the kernel "in place."

Signed-off-by: Tom Lendacky <>
 Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt |    3 
 arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c       |    2 
 arch/x86/kernel/mem_encrypt.S       |  306 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 311 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt 
index 8ba7f82..0a2678a 100644
--- a/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt
+++ b/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt
@@ -2210,6 +2210,9 @@ bytes respectively. Such letter suffixes can also be 
entirely omitted.
                        memory contents and reserves bad memory
                        regions that are detected.
+       mem_encrypt=on  [X86_64] Enable memory encryption on processors
+                       that support this feature.
        meye.*=         [HW] Set MotionEye Camera parameters
                        See Documentation/video4linux/meye.txt.
diff --git a/arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c b/arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c
index 5c04246..a0f76de 100644
--- a/arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c
@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ void common(void) {
        OFFSET(BP_kernel_alignment, boot_params, hdr.kernel_alignment);
        OFFSET(BP_pref_address, boot_params, hdr.pref_address);
        OFFSET(BP_code32_start, boot_params, hdr.code32_start);
+       OFFSET(BP_cmd_line_ptr, boot_params, hdr.cmd_line_ptr);
+       OFFSET(BP_ext_cmd_line_ptr, boot_params, ext_cmd_line_ptr);
        DEFINE(PTREGS_SIZE, sizeof(struct pt_regs));
diff --git a/arch/x86/kernel/mem_encrypt.S b/arch/x86/kernel/mem_encrypt.S
index f2e0536..4d3326d 100644
--- a/arch/x86/kernel/mem_encrypt.S
+++ b/arch/x86/kernel/mem_encrypt.S
@@ -12,13 +12,236 @@
 #include <linux/linkage.h>
+#include <asm/processor-flags.h>
+#include <asm/pgtable.h>
+#include <asm/page.h>
+#include <asm/msr.h>
+#include <asm/asm-offsets.h>
+       /* Check for AMD processor */
+       xorl    %eax, %eax
+       cpuid
+       cmpl    $0x68747541, %ebx       # AuthenticAMD
+       jne     .Lno_mem_encrypt
+       cmpl    $0x69746e65, %edx
+       jne     .Lno_mem_encrypt
+       cmpl    $0x444d4163, %ecx
+       jne     .Lno_mem_encrypt
+       /* Check for memory encryption leaf */
+       movl    $0x80000000, %eax
+       cpuid
+       cmpl    $0x8000001f, %eax
+       jb      .Lno_mem_encrypt
+       /*
+        * Check for memory encryption feature:
+        *   CPUID Fn8000_001F[EAX] - Bit 0
+        */
+       movl    $0x8000001f, %eax
+       cpuid
+       bt      $0, %eax
+       jnc     .Lno_mem_encrypt
+       /* Check for the mem_encrypt=on command line option */
+       push    %rsi                    /* Save RSI (real_mode_data) */
+       movl    BP_ext_cmd_line_ptr(%rsi), %ecx
+       shlq    $32, %rcx
+       movl    BP_cmd_line_ptr(%rsi), %edi
+       addq    %rcx, %rdi
+       leaq    mem_encrypt_enable_option(%rip), %rsi
+       call    cmdline_find_option_bool
+       pop     %rsi                    /* Restore RSI (real_mode_data) */
+       testl   %eax, %eax
+       jz      .Lno_mem_encrypt
+       /*
+        * Get memory encryption information:
+        *   CPUID Fn8000_001F[EBX] - Bits 5:0
+        *     Pagetable bit position used to indicate encryption
+        */
+       movl    %ebx, %ecx
+       andl    $0x3f, %ecx
+       jz      .Lno_mem_encrypt
+       bts     %ecx, sme_me_mask(%rip)
+       shrl    $6, %ebx
+       /*
+        * Get memory encryption information:
+        *   CPUID Fn8000_001F[EBX] - Bits 11:6
+        *     Reduction in physical address space (in bits) when enabled
+        */
+       movl    %ebx, %ecx
+       andl    $0x3f, %ecx
+       movb    %cl, sme_me_loss(%rip)
+       /*
+        * Enable memory encryption through the SYSCFG MSR
+        */
+       movl    $MSR_K8_SYSCFG, %ecx
+       rdmsr
+       bt      $MSR_K8_SYSCFG_MEM_ENCRYPT_BIT, %eax
+       jc      .Lmem_encrypt_exit
+       bts     $MSR_K8_SYSCFG_MEM_ENCRYPT_BIT, %eax
+       wrmsr
+       jmp     .Lmem_encrypt_exit
+       /* Did not get enabled, clear settings */
+       movq    $0, sme_me_mask(%rip)
+       movb    $0, sme_me_loss(%rip)
+       cmpq    $0, sme_me_mask(%rip)
+       jz      .Lencrypt_exit
+       /*
+        * Encrypt the kernel.
+        * Pagetables for performing kernel encryption:
+        *   0x0000000000 - 0x00FFFFFFFF will map just the memory occupied by
+        *                               the kernel as encrypted memory
+        *   0x8000000000 - 0x80FFFFFFFF will map all memory as write-protected,
+        *                               non-encrypted
+        *
+        * The use of write-protected memory will prevent any of the
+        * non-encrypted memory from being cached.
+        *
+        * 0x00... and 0x80... represent the first and second PGD entries.
+        *
+        * This collection of entries will be created in an area outside
+        * of the area that is being encrypted (outside the kernel) and
+        * requires 11 4K pages:
+        *   1 - PGD
+        *   2 - PUDs (1 for each mapping)
+        *   8 - PMDs (4 for each mapping)
+        */
+       leaq    _end(%rip), %rdi
+       addq    $~PMD_PAGE_MASK, %rdi
+       andq    $PMD_PAGE_MASK, %rdi    /* RDI points to the new PGD */
+       /* Clear the pagetable memory */
+       movq    %rdi, %rbx              /* Save pointer to PGD */
+       movl    $(4096 * 11), %ecx
+       xorl    %eax, %eax
+       rep     stosb
+       movq    %rbx, %rdi              /* Restore pointer to PGD */
+       /* Set up PGD entries for the two mappings */
+       leaq    (0x1000 + 0x03)(%rdi), %rbx     /* PUD for encrypted kernel */
+       movq    %rbx, (%rdi)
+       leaq    (0x2000 + 0x03)(%rdi), %rbx     /* PUD for unencrypted kernel */
+       movq    %rbx, 8(%rdi)
+       /* Set up PUD entries (4 per mapping) for the two mappings */
+       leaq    (0x3000 + 0x03)(%rdi), %rbx     /* PMD for encrypted kernel */
+       leaq    (0x7000 + 0x03)(%rdi), %rdx     /* PMD for unencrypted kernel */
+       xorq    %rcx, %rcx
+       /* Populate the PUD entries in each mapping */
+       movq    %rbx, 0x1000(%rdi, %rcx, 8)
+       movq    %rdx, 0x2000(%rdi, %rcx, 8)
+       addq    $0x1000, %rbx
+       addq    $0x1000, %rdx
+       incq    %rcx
+       cmpq    $4, %rcx
+       jb      1b
+       /*
+        * Set up PMD entries (4GB worth) for the two mappings.
+        *   For the encrypted kernel mapping, when R11 is above RDX
+        *   and below RDI then we know we are in the kernel and we
+        *   set the encryption mask for that PMD entry.
+        *
+        *   The use of _PAGE_PAT and _PAGE_PWT will provide for the
+        *   write-protected mapping.
+        */
+       movq    sme_me_mask(%rip), %r10
+       movq    $__PAGE_KERNEL_LARGE_EXEC, %r11
+       andq    $~_PAGE_GLOBAL, %r11
+       movq    %r11, %r12
+       andq    $~_PAGE_CACHE_MASK, %r12
+       orq     $(_PAGE_PAT | _PAGE_PWT), %r12  /* PA5 index */
+       xorq    %rcx, %rcx
+       leaq    _text(%rip), %rdx       /* RDX points to start of kernel */
+       /* Populate the PMD entries in each mapping */
+       movq    %r11, 0x3000(%rdi, %rcx, 8)
+       movq    %r12, 0x7000(%rdi, %rcx, 8)
+       /*
+        * Check if we are in the kernel range, and if so, set the
+        * memory encryption mask.
+        */
+       cmpq    %r11, %rdx
+       jae     2f
+       cmpq    %r11, %rdi
+       jbe     2f
+       orq     %r10, 0x3000(%rdi, %rcx, 8)
+       addq    $PMD_SIZE, %r11
+       addq    $PMD_SIZE, %r12
+       incq    %rcx
+       cmpq    $2048, %rcx
+       jb      1b
+       /*
+        * Set up a one page stack in the non-encrypted memory area.
+        *   Set RAX to point to the next page in memory after all the
+        *   page tables. The stack grows from the bottom so point to
+        *   the end of the page.
+        */
+       leaq    (4096 * 11)(%rdi), %rax
+       addq    $PAGE_SIZE, %rax
+       movq    %rsp, %rbp
+       movq    %rax, %rsp
+       push    %rbp                    /* Save original stack pointer */
+       push    %rsi                    /* Save RSI (real mode data) */
+       /*
+        * Copy encryption routine into safe memory
+        *   - RAX points to the page after all the page tables and stack
+        *     where the routine will copied
+        *   - RDI points to the PGD table
+        *   - Setup registers for call
+        * and then call it
+        */
+       movq    %rdi, %rbx
+       leaq    .Lencrypt_start(%rip), %rsi
+       movq    %rax, %rdi
+       movq    $(.Lencrypt_stop - .Lencrypt_start), %rcx
+       rep     movsb
+       leaq    _text(%rip), %rsi       /* Kernel start */
+       movq    %rbx, %rcx              /* New PGD start */
+       subq    %rsi, %rcx              /* Size of area to encrypt */
+       movq    %rsi, %rdi              /* Encrypted kernel space start */
+       movq    $1, %rsi
+       shlq    $PGDIR_SHIFT, %rsi
+       addq    %rdi, %rsi              /* Non-encrypted kernel start */
+       /* Call the encryption routine */
+       call    *%rax
+       pop     %rsi                    /* Restore RSI (real mode data ) */
+       pop     %rsp                    /* Restore original stack pointer */
@@ -28,6 +251,87 @@ ENTRY(sme_get_me_loss)
+ * Routine used to encrypt kernel.
+ *   This routine must be run outside of the kernel proper since
+ *   the kernel will be encrypted during the process. So this
+ *   routine is defined here and then copied to an area outside
+ *   of the kernel where it will remain and run un-encrypted
+ *   during execution.
+ *
+ *   On entry the registers must be:
+ *   - RAX points to this routine
+ *   - RBX points to new PGD to use
+ *   - RCX contains the kernel length
+ *   - RSI points to the non-encrypted kernel space
+ *   - RDI points to the encrypted kernel space
+ *
+ * The kernel will be encrypted by copying from the non-encrypted
+ * kernel space to a temporary buffer and then copying from the
+ * temporary buffer back to the encrypted kernel space. The physical
+ * addresses of the two kernel space mappings are the same which
+ * results in the kernel being encrypted "in place".
+ */
+       /* Enable the new page tables */
+       mov     %rbx, %cr3
+       /* Flush any global TLBs */
+       mov     %cr4, %rbx
+       andq    $~X86_CR4_PGE, %rbx
+       mov     %rbx, %cr4
+       orq     $X86_CR4_PGE, %rbx
+       mov     %rbx, %cr4
+       /* Set the PAT register PA5 entry to write-protect */
+       push    %rax
+       push    %rcx
+       movl    $MSR_IA32_CR_PAT, %ecx
+       rdmsr
+       push    %rdx                    /* Save original PAT value */
+       andl    $0xffff00ff, %edx       /* Clear PA5 */
+       orl     $0x00000500, %edx       /* Set PA5 to WP */
+       wrmsr
+       pop     %rdx                    /* RDX contains original PAT value */
+       pop     %rcx
+       pop     %rax
+       movq    %rsi, %r10              /* Save source address */
+       movq    %rdi, %r11              /* Save destination address */
+       movq    %rcx, %r12              /* Save length */
+       addq    $PAGE_SIZE, %rax        /* RAX now points to temp copy page */
+       wbinvd                          /* Invalidate any cache entries */
+       /* Copy/encrypt 2MB at a time */
+       movq    %r10, %rsi
+       movq    %rax, %rdi
+       movq    $PMD_PAGE_SIZE, %rcx
+       rep     movsb
+       movq    %rax, %rsi
+       movq    %r11, %rdi
+       movq    $PMD_PAGE_SIZE, %rcx
+       rep     movsb
+       addq    $PMD_PAGE_SIZE, %r10
+       addq    $PMD_PAGE_SIZE, %r11
+       subq    $PMD_PAGE_SIZE, %r12
+       jnz     1b
+       /* Restore PAT register */
+       push    %rdx
+       movl    $MSR_IA32_CR_PAT, %ecx
+       rdmsr
+       pop     %rdx
+       wrmsr
+       ret
        .align 16
@@ -35,3 +339,5 @@ ENTRY(sme_me_mask)
        .byte   0x00
        .align  8
+       .asciz "mem_encrypt=on"

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