On Wed, Feb 04 2015 at 03:33:05 AM, Will Deacon <will.dea...@arm.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 02, 2015 at 08:10:02PM +0000, Mitchel Humpherys wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 28 2015 at 04:07:39 AM, Will Deacon <will.dea...@arm.com> wrote:
>> > With a shared handler (e.g. a bunch of context banks have the same IRQ)
>> > then I assume that we don't want to end up with multiple handler threads
>> > all tripping over each other. I'd rather have one thread that handles work
>> > queued up by multiple low-level handlers.
>> >
>> > Do you have a preference either way?
>> Ok I think I understand the scenario you're describing.  If multiple
>> context banks are sharing an interrupt line their handlers currently
>> execute serially, but with threaded handlers they would all be woken up
>> and possibly execute concurrently.  I hadn't really considered this
>> because none of our targets have CBs sharing interrupts.  In any case,
>> the CBs that aren't interrupting should quickly return IRQ_NONE when
>> they notice that !(fsr & FSR_FAULT), so is this really a concern?
> Well, with my stall-mode hat on, the FSR check could be done in the
> low-level handler, with the actual page fault handling or whatever done
> in the thread.

But we'll need to turn on clocks just to read the FSR, which can't be
done from atomic context.

>> Anyways, we can always hold off on this until we have a more compelling
>> motivation for it.  For example, if we need to enable clocks to read
>> registers then threaded IRQs seem like the best solution.  Hopefully
>> I'll find time to have another go at the clocks stuff soon, which is the
>> real reason why we're using threaded IRQs for context interrupts in our
>> msm tree.
> Okey doke. Having the clocks stuff supported in iommu core would be my
> preference.

Yeah I'll try to come up with something.  In this particular case I
guess we'd actually have to call out to some iommu_enable_access API so
it wouldn't be completely transparent.  Everywhere else I think the
iommu core can wrap the various iommu_ops callbacks with the
enable/disable calls.


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