On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 01:48:46PM -0700, Olav Haugan wrote:
> On 8/18/2014 11:32 AM, Rob Clark wrote:

> No, I do not have other uses right now. But could imagine use cases like
> "force <insert minimum mapping size here> mapping" flag etc.

I think it is worth discussing to add a flush() function to the
IOMMU-API. I sent a patch-set myself a few years ago introducing an
iommu_commit() function with the same semantics, but this is
out-of-scope for this patch-set.

Also adding a flag parameter to iommu_map_sg would introduce an
asymentrie in the API to the iommu_map() function. So please leave it
out for this patch-set, when we really need a flag parameter someday we
can introduce it for iommu_map() and iommu_map_sg() together.


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