On 8/6/2014 10:35 AM, Will Deacon wrote:
> Hi Olav,
> On Wed, Aug 06, 2014 at 05:44:38PM +0100, Olav Haugan wrote:
>> On 8/6/2014 3:19 AM, Will Deacon wrote:
>>> On Mon, Aug 04, 2014 at 07:01:03PM +0100, Olav Haugan wrote:
>>>> The SMR registers do not exist when stream matching is not
>>>> supported by the hardware. Avoid writing to this register if not needed.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Olav Haugan <ohau...@codeaurora.org>
>>>> ---
>>>>  drivers/iommu/arm-smmu.c | 5 ++++-
>>>>  1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>>> diff --git a/drivers/iommu/arm-smmu.c b/drivers/iommu/arm-smmu.c
>>>> index c16431f..1f3a5b3 100644
>>>> --- a/drivers/iommu/arm-smmu.c
>>>> +++ b/drivers/iommu/arm-smmu.c
>>>> @@ -1731,7 +1731,10 @@ static void arm_smmu_device_reset(struct 
>>>> arm_smmu_device *smmu)
>>>>    /* Mark all SMRn as invalid and all S2CRn as bypass */
>>>>    for (i = 0; i < smmu->num_mapping_groups; ++i) {
>>>> -          writel_relaxed(~SMR_VALID, gr0_base + ARM_SMMU_GR0_SMR(i));
>>>> +          if (smmu->features & ARM_SMMU_FEAT_STREAM_MATCH) {
>>>> +                  writel_relaxed(~SMR_VALID,
>>>> +                                  gr0_base + ARM_SMMU_GR0_SMR(i));
>>>> +          }
>>>>            writel_relaxed(S2CR_TYPE_BYPASS,
>>>>                    gr0_base + ARM_SMMU_GR0_S2CR(i));
>>> smmu->num_mapping_groups should be zero for an SMMU that doesn't include
>>> the SMR registers, so I don't think this change is needed. Are you seeing
>>> problems with real hardware?
>> Yes, you are correct. However, since that is the case we wouldn't be
>> setting the S2CR registers to bypass then? Seems like
>> num_mappings_groups should be initialized regardless whether stream
>> matching or stream indexing is used. SMMU_IDR0.NUMSMRG specifies the
>> number of stream mapping register groups (Section 2.5.2 of the ARM
>> SMMUv1-v2 spec). So with stream indexing support this register should
>> still tell us how many S2CR registers exist?
> Hmm, I'm checking this with the architects because the TRMs aren't exactly
> clear. The NUMSMRG works for stream-indexing (i.e. reports the number of
> S2CRs), then all we have to do is change the above ~SMR_VALID to 0x0, since
> those registers will be SBZP.

You don't agree that we should avoid doing register writes if not
necessarily? In general I like to avoid trying to write registers that
is not needed so that we don't do more work than needed.

>> As far as I can tell there are no other register telling us how many S2CR
>> registers exist. That also brings up another point that there is no check
>> in the code to ensure we are not trying to program more than the available
>> S2CR registers when we use stream indexing.
> On an SMMU using stream-indexing, if the StreamID goes off the end of the
> S2CRs that's a fairly serious hardware configuration issue which I don't
> think Linux is in a position to handle. I agree that a warning wouldn't
> hurt on device add/attach though.

Yes, I meant to protect against programming errors where someone
specified more Stream IDs than available S2CRs.



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