> -----Original Message-----
> From: Intel-wired-lan <intel-wired-lan-boun...@osuosl.org> On Behalf Of Jacob 
> Keller
> Sent: 20 February 2025 03:43
> To: Nguyen, Anthony L <anthony.l.ngu...@intel.com>; Kitszel, Przemyslaw 
> <przemyslaw.kits...@intel.com>; Kubalewski, Arkadiusz 
> <arkadiusz.kubalew...@intel.com>; Kolacinski, Karol 
> <karol.kolacin...@intel.com>
Cc: intel-wired-...@lists.osuosl.org; net...@vger.kernel.org; Keller, Jacob E 
> Subject: [Intel-wired-lan] [PATCH iwl-net] ice: ensure periodic output start 
> time is in the future
> From: Karol Kolacinski <karol.kolacin...@intel.com>
> On E800 series hardware, if the start time for a periodic output signal is 
> programmed into GLTSYN_TGT_H and GLTSYN_TGT_L registers, the hardware logic 
> locks up and the periodic output signal never starts. Any future attempt to 
> reprogram the clock function is futile as the hardware will not reset until a 
> power on.
> The ice_ptp_cfg_perout function has logic to prevent this, as it checks if 
> the requested start time is in the past. If so, a new start time is 
> calculated by rounding up.
> Since commit d755a7e129a5 ("ice: Cache perout/extts requests and check 
> flags"), the rounding is done to the nearest multiple of the clock period, 
> rather than to a full second. This is more accurate, since it ensures the 
> signal matches the user request precisely.
> Unfortunately, there is a race condition with this rounding logic. If the 
> current time is close to the multiple of the period, we could calculate a 
> target time that is extremely soon. It takes time for the software to program 
> the registers, during which time this requested start time could become a 
> start time in the past. If that happens, the periodic output signal will lock 
> up.
> For large enough periods, or for the logic prior to the mentioned commit, 
> this is unlikely. However, with the new logic rounding to the period and with 
> a small enough period, this becomes inevitable.
> For example, attempting to enable a 10MHz signal requires a period of 100 
> nanoseconds. This means in the *best* case, we have 99 nanoseconds to program 
> the clock output. This is essentially impossible, and thus such a small 
> period practically guarantees that the clock output function will lock up.
> To fix this, add some slop to the clock time used to check if the start time 
> is in the past. Because it is not critical that output signals start 
> immediately, but it *is* critical that we do not brick the function, 0.5 
> seconds is selected. > This does mean that any requested output will be 
> delayed by at least 0.5 seconds.
> This slop is applied before rounding, so that we always round up to the 
> nearest multiple of the period that is at least 0.5 seconds in the future, 
> ensuring a minimum of 0.5 seconds to program the clock output registers.
> Finally, to ensure that the hardware registers programming the clock output 
> complete in a timely manner, add a write flush to the end of 
> ice_ptp_write_perout. This ensures we don't risk any issue with PCIe 
> transaction batching.
> Strictly speaking, this fixes a race condition all the way back at the 
> initial implementation of periodic output programming, as it is theoretically 
> possible to trigger this bug even on the old logic when always rounding to a 
> full second. However, the window is narrow, and the code has been refactored 
> heavily since then, making a direct backport not apply cleanly.
> Fixes: d755a7e129a5 ("ice: Cache perout/extts requests and check flags")
> Signed-off-by: Karol Kolacinski <karol.kolacin...@intel.com>
> Signed-off-by: Jacob Keller <jacob.e.kel...@intel.com>
> ---
> drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_ptp.c | 6 ++++--
> 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Tested-by: Rinitha S <sx.rini...@intel.com> (A Contingent worker at Intel)

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