On 2/8/2025 5:22 AM, Larysa Zaremba wrote:


@@ -8393,20 +8395,42 @@ ice_setup_tc_cls_flower(struct ice_netdev_priv *np,
- * ice_setup_tc_block_cb - callback handler registered for TC block
+ * ice_setup_tc_block_cb_ingress - callback handler for ingress TC block
   * @type: TC SETUP type
   * @type_data: TC flower offload data that contains user input
   * @cb_priv: netdev private data
  static int
-ice_setup_tc_block_cb(enum tc_setup_type type, void *type_data, void *cb_priv)
+ice_setup_tc_block_cb_ingress(enum tc_setup_type type, void *type_data,
+                             void *cb_priv)

Could you fix the kdocs on the ones that you modify? Most of them are missing the Return:

        struct ice_netdev_priv *np = cb_priv;
switch (type) {
        case TC_SETUP_CLSFLOWER:
                return ice_setup_tc_cls_flower(np, np->vsi->netdev,
-                                              type_data);
+                                              type_data, true);
+       default:
+               return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+       }
+ * ice_setup_tc_block_cb_egress - callback handler for egress TC block
+ * @type: TC SETUP type
+ * @type_data: TC flower offload data that contains user input
+ * @cb_priv: netdev private data
+ */
+static int
+ice_setup_tc_block_cb_egress(enum tc_setup_type type, void *type_data,
+                            void *cb_priv)

And correct the ones that you're adding.

I believe there's issues of this or the previous in patches 2-5.


+       struct ice_netdev_priv *np = cb_priv;
+       switch (type) {
+       case TC_SETUP_CLSFLOWER:
+               return ice_setup_tc_cls_flower(np, np->vsi->netdev,
+                                              type_data, false);
                return -EOPNOTSUPP;

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