Unify ice_ptp_init_tx_* functions for most of the MAC types except E82X.
This simplifies the code for the future use with new MAC types.

Reviewed-by: Przemek Kitszel <przemyslaw.kits...@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Karol Kolacinski <karol.kolacin...@intel.com>
V7 -> V8: Renamed the patch and reworded the commit message

 drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_ptp.c | 56 ++++++++----------------
 drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_ptp.h |  3 +-
 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_ptp.c 
index 47c356d68e2e..7993646e78b5 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_ptp.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_ptp.c
@@ -945,28 +945,6 @@ ice_ptp_release_tx_tracker(struct ice_pf *pf, struct 
ice_ptp_tx *tx)
        tx->len = 0;
- * ice_ptp_init_tx_eth56g - Initialize tracking for Tx timestamps
- * @pf: Board private structure
- * @tx: the Tx tracking structure to initialize
- * @port: the port this structure tracks
- *
- * Initialize the Tx timestamp tracker for this port. ETH56G PHYs
- * have independent memory blocks for all ports.
- *
- * Return: 0 for success, -ENOMEM when failed to allocate Tx tracker
- */
-static int ice_ptp_init_tx_eth56g(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_ptp_tx *tx,
-                                 u8 port)
-       tx->block = port;
-       tx->offset = 0;
-       tx->len = INDEX_PER_PORT_ETH56G;
-       tx->has_ready_bitmap = 1;
-       return ice_ptp_alloc_tx_tracker(tx);
  * ice_ptp_init_tx_e82x - Initialize tracking for Tx timestamps
  * @pf: Board private structure
@@ -977,9 +955,11 @@ static int ice_ptp_init_tx_eth56g(struct ice_pf *pf, 
struct ice_ptp_tx *tx,
  * the timestamp block is shared for all ports in the same quad. To avoid
  * ports using the same timestamp index, logically break the block of
  * registers into chunks based on the port number.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 on success, -ENOMEM when out of memory
-static int
-ice_ptp_init_tx_e82x(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_ptp_tx *tx, u8 port)
+static int ice_ptp_init_tx_e82x(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_ptp_tx *tx,
+                               u8 port)
        tx->block = ICE_GET_QUAD_NUM(port);
        tx->offset = (port % ICE_PORTS_PER_QUAD) * INDEX_PER_PORT_E82X;
@@ -990,24 +970,27 @@ ice_ptp_init_tx_e82x(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_ptp_tx 
*tx, u8 port)
- * ice_ptp_init_tx_e810 - Initialize tracking for Tx timestamps
+ * ice_ptp_init_tx - Initialize tracking for Tx timestamps
  * @pf: Board private structure
  * @tx: the Tx tracking structure to initialize
+ * @port: the port this structure tracks
+ *
+ * Initialize the Tx timestamp tracker for this PF. For all PHYs except E82X,
+ * each port has its own block of timestamps, independent of the other ports.
- * Initialize the Tx timestamp tracker for this PF. For E810 devices, each
- * port has its own block of timestamps, independent of the other ports.
+ * Return: 0 on success, -ENOMEM when out of memory
-static int
-ice_ptp_init_tx_e810(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_ptp_tx *tx)
+static int ice_ptp_init_tx(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_ptp_tx *tx, u8 port)
-       tx->block = pf->hw.port_info->lport;
+       tx->block = port;
        tx->offset = 0;
-       tx->len = INDEX_PER_PORT_E810;
+       tx->len = INDEX_PER_PORT;
        /* The E810 PHY does not provide a timestamp ready bitmap. Instead,
         * verify new timestamps against cached copy of the last read
         * timestamp.
-       tx->has_ready_bitmap = 0;
+       tx->has_ready_bitmap = pf->hw.mac_type != ICE_MAC_E810;
        return ice_ptp_alloc_tx_tracker(tx);
@@ -3205,6 +3188,8 @@ static int ice_ptp_init_work(struct ice_pf *pf, struct 
ice_ptp *ptp)
  * ice_ptp_init_port - Initialize PTP port structure
  * @pf: Board private structure
  * @ptp_port: PTP port structure
+ *
+ * Return: 0 on success, -ENODEV on invalid MAC type, -ENOMEM on failed alloc.
 static int ice_ptp_init_port(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_ptp_port *ptp_port)
@@ -3214,16 +3199,13 @@ static int ice_ptp_init_port(struct ice_pf *pf, struct 
ice_ptp_port *ptp_port)
        switch (hw->mac_type) {
        case ICE_MAC_E810:
-               return ice_ptp_init_tx_e810(pf, &ptp_port->tx);
+       case ICE_MAC_GENERIC_3K_E825:
+               return ice_ptp_init_tx(pf, &ptp_port->tx, ptp_port->port_num);
        case ICE_MAC_GENERIC:
                return ice_ptp_init_tx_e82x(pf, &ptp_port->tx,
-       case ICE_MAC_GENERIC_3K_E825:
-               return ice_ptp_init_tx_eth56g(pf, &ptp_port->tx,
-                                             ptp_port->port_num);
                return -ENODEV;
diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_ptp.h 
index acee46ad793a..5af474285780 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_ptp.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ice/ice_ptp.h
@@ -128,8 +128,7 @@ struct ice_ptp_tx {
 /* Quad and port information for initializing timestamp blocks */
 #define INDEX_PER_QUAD                 64
 #define INDEX_PER_PORT_E82X            16
-#define INDEX_PER_PORT_E810            64
-#define INDEX_PER_PORT_ETH56G          64
+#define INDEX_PER_PORT                 64
  * struct ice_ptp_port - data used to initialize an external port for PTP

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