Jesse Brandeburg

> On Feb 13, 2024, at 3:52 PM, Bjorn Helgaas <helg...@kernel.org> wrote:
> Just a heads-up about an ixgbe probe failure seen with Proxmox 8.  I
> suspect this is a PCI core problem, probably not an ixgbe problem.
> The ixgbe device logs an Advisory Non-Fatal Error and it seems like
> subsequent reads from the device return ~0:
>  pcieport 0000:00:03.1: AER: Corrected error received: 0000:05:00.0

Why does the user or bios configure corrected errors as fatal or requiring a 

Seems like a self inflicted wound. 

>  pci 0000:05:00.0: PCIe Bus Error: severity=Corrected, type=Transaction 
> Layer, (Receiver ID)
>  pci 0000:05:00.0:   device [8086:1563] error status/mask=00002000/00000000
>  pci 0000:05:00.0:    [13] NonFatalErr
>  ixgbe 0000:05:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)
>  ixgbe 0000:05:00.0: Adapter removed
> The user report is at
> https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/proxmox-8-kernel-6-2-16-4-pve-ixgbe-driver-fails-to-load-due-to-pci-device-probing-failure.131203/post-633851.
> I opened a bugzilla with complete dmesg log at
> https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=218491 with some
> speculation about what might have caused this, e.g., an ACS
> configuration error or something.  It's lame, I know, so this is just
> a shot in the dark.

I’ll look a little more at this tomorrow. I remember lots of inconsistent 
behaviors around this stuff with early ixgbe and when this PCI capabilities was 
first enabled. Most of these issues have been resolved since and I haven’t 
heard of one for a long time. 

> Bjorn

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