On 18/07/16 13:56, Tvrtko Ursulin wrote:
> On 18/07/16 12:57, Dave Gordon wrote:
>> On 18/07/16 12:35, Chris Wilson wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 12:15:32PM +0100, Tvrtko Ursulin wrote:
>>>> I am not sure about this, but looking at the raid6 for example, it
>>>> has a lot more annotations in cases like this.
>>>> It seems to be telling the compiler which memory ranges does each
>>>> instruction access, and also uses "asm volatile" - whether or not
>>>> that is really needed I don't know.
>>>> For example:
>>>>                   asm volatile("movdqa %0,%%xmm4" :: "m" (dptr[z0][d]));
>>>> And:
>>>>                   asm volatile("movdqa %%xmm4,%0" : "=m" (q[d]));
>>>> Each one is telling the compiler the instruction is either reading
>>>> or writing respectively from a certain memory address.
>>>> You don't have any of that, and don't even specify nothing as an
>>>> output parameter so I am not sure if your code is safe.
>>> The asm is correct. We do not modify either of the two pointers which we
>>> pass in via register inputs, but the memory behind them - hence the
>>> memory
>>> clobber.
>> This is a choice of how much we let the compiler decide about
>> addressing, and how much we tell it about what the asm code really does.
>> The examples above get the compiler to generate *any* suitable
>> addressing mode for each specific location involved in the transfers, so
>> the compiler knows a lot about what's happening and can track where each
>> datum comes from and goes to.
>> OTOH Chris' code
>> +        asm("movntdqa   (%0), %%xmm0\n"
>> +            "movntdqa 16(%0), %%xmm1\n"
>> +            "movntdqa 32(%0), %%xmm2\n"
>> +            "movntdqa 48(%0), %%xmm3\n"
>> +            "movaps %%xmm0,   (%1)\n"
>> +            "movaps %%xmm1, 16(%1)\n"
>> +            "movaps %%xmm2, 32(%1)\n"
>> +            "movaps %%xmm3, 48(%1)\n"
>> +            :: "r" (src), "r" (dst) : "memory");
>> - doesn't need "volatile" because asm statements that have no output
>> operands are implicitly volatile.
>> - makes the compiler give us the source and destination *addresses* in a
>> register each; beyond that, it doesn't know what we're doing with them,
>> so the third ("clobbers") parameter has to say "memory" i.e. treat *all*
>> memory contents as unknown after this.
>> [[From GCC docs: The "memory" clobber tells the compiler that the
>> assembly code performs memory reads or writes to items other than those
>> listed in the input and output operands (for example, accessing the
>> memory pointed to by one of the input parameters). To ensure memory
>> contains correct values, GCC may need to flush specific register values
>> to memory before executing the asm. Further, the compiler does not
>> assume that any values read from memory before an asm remain unchanged
>> after that asm; it reloads them as needed. Using the "memory" clobber
>> effectively forms a read/write memory barrier for the compiler.]]
>> BTW, should we not tell it we've *also* clobbered %xmm[0-3]?
>> So they're both correct, just taking different approaches. I don't know
>> which would give the best performance for this specific case.
> Cool, learn something new every day. :)
> I've tried writing it as:
> struct qw2 {
>       u64     q[2];
> } __attribute__((packed));
> static void __memcpy_ntdqa(struct qw2 *dst, const struct qw2 *src, unsigned 
> long len)
> {
>       kernel_fpu_begin();
>       len >>= 4;
>       while (len >= 4) {
>               asm("movntdqa   (%0), %%xmm0" :: "r" (src), "m" (src[0]));
>               asm("movntdqa 16(%0), %%xmm1" :: "r" (src), "m" (src[1]));
>               asm("movntdqa 32(%0), %%xmm2" :: "r" (src), "m" (src[2]));
>               asm("movntdqa 48(%0), %%xmm3" :: "r" (src), "m" (src[3]));
>               asm("movaps %%xmm0,   (%1)" : "=m" (dst[0]) : "r" (dst));
>               asm("movaps %%xmm1, 16(%1)" : "=m" (dst[1]) : "r" (dst));
>               asm("movaps %%xmm2, 32(%1)" : "=m" (dst[2]) : "r" (dst));
>               asm("movaps %%xmm3, 48(%1)" : "=m" (dst[3]) : "r" (dst));
>               src += 4;
>               dst += 4;
>               len -= 4;
>       }
>       while (len--) {
>               asm("movntdqa (%0), %%xmm0" :: "r" (src), "m" (src[0]));
>               asm("movaps %%xmm0, (%1)" : "=m" (dst[0]) : "r" (dst));
>               src++;
>               dst++;
>       }
>       kernel_fpu_end();
> }
> That appears to allow GCC to interleave SSE and normal instructions,
> presumably that means it is trying to utilize the execution units better?
> I wonder if it makes a difference in speed?
> Old code main loop assembly looks like:
>    58:   66 0f 38 2a 00          movntdqa (%rax),%xmm0
>    5d:   66 0f 38 2a 48 10       movntdqa 0x10(%rax),%xmm1
>    63:   66 0f 38 2a 50 20       movntdqa 0x20(%rax),%xmm2
>    69:   66 0f 38 2a 58 30       movntdqa 0x30(%rax),%xmm3
>    6f:   0f 29 01                movaps %xmm0,(%rcx)
>    72:   0f 29 49 10             movaps %xmm1,0x10(%rcx)
>    76:   0f 29 51 20             movaps %xmm2,0x20(%rcx)
>    7a:   0f 29 59 30             movaps %xmm3,0x30(%rcx)
>    7e:   49 83 e8 04             sub    $0x4,%r8
>    82:   48 83 c0 40             add    $0x40,%rax
>    86:   48 83 c1 40             add    $0x40,%rcx
>    8a:   49 83 f8 03             cmp    $0x3,%r8
>    8e:   77 c8                   ja     58 <i915_memcpy_from_wc+0x58>
> While the above version generates:
>    58:   66 0f 38 2a 00          movntdqa (%rax),%xmm0
>    5d:   66 0f 38 2a 48 10       movntdqa 0x10(%rax),%xmm1
>    63:   66 0f 38 2a 50 20       movntdqa 0x20(%rax),%xmm2
>    69:   66 0f 38 2a 58 30       movntdqa 0x30(%rax),%xmm3
>    6f:   49 83 e8 04             sub    $0x4,%r8
>    73:   48 83 c0 40             add    $0x40,%rax
>    77:   0f 29 01                movaps %xmm0,(%rcx)
>    7a:   0f 29 49 10             movaps %xmm1,0x10(%rcx)
>    7e:   0f 29 51 20             movaps %xmm2,0x20(%rcx)
>    82:   0f 29 59 30             movaps %xmm3,0x30(%rcx)
>    86:   48 83 c1 40             add    $0x40,%rcx
>    8a:   49 83 f8 03             cmp    $0x3,%r8
>    8e:   77 c8                   ja     58 <i915_memcpy_from_wc+0x58>
> Interestingly, in both cases GCC does some in my mind futile
> shuffling aroung between the two loops. Instead of just
> carrying on with src and dst and len how they are, it goes
> to use a different register set for the second loop:
> So this reshuffling:
>    90:   48 8d 42 fc             lea    -0x4(%rdx),%rax
>    94:   83 e2 03                and    $0x3,%edx
>    97:   48 c1 e8 02             shr    $0x2,%rax
>    9b:   48 83 c0 01             add    $0x1,%rax
>    9f:   48 c1 e0 06             shl    $0x6,%rax
>    a3:   48 01 c6                add    %rax,%rsi
>    a6:   48 01 c7                add    %rax,%rdi
>    a9:   48 8d 42 ff             lea    -0x1(%rdx),%rax
>    ad:   48 85 d2                test   %rdx,%rdx
>    b0:   74 1a                   je     cc <i915_memcpy_from_wc+0xcc>
> And then the second loop:
>    b2:   66 0f 38 2a 06          movntdqa (%rsi),%xmm0
>    b7:   48 83 e8 01             sub    $0x1,%rax
>    bb:   48 83 c6 10             add    $0x10,%rsi
>    bf:   0f 29 07                movaps %xmm0,(%rdi)
>    c2:   48 83 c7 10             add    $0x10,%rdi
>    c6:   48 83 f8 ff             cmp    $0xffffffffffffffff,%rax
>    ca:   75 e6                   jne    b2 <i915_memcpy_from_wc+0xb2>
> Any thoughts on this?

This version generates the smallest code:

static void __memcpy_ntdqa(struct qw2 *dst, const struct qw2 *src, unsigned 
long len)
        unsigned long l4;


        l4 = len / 4;
        while (l4) {
                asm("movntdqa   (%0), %%xmm0" :: "r" (src), "m" (src[0]));
                asm("movntdqa 16(%0), %%xmm1" :: "r" (src), "m" (src[1]));
                asm("movntdqa 32(%0), %%xmm2" :: "r" (src), "m" (src[2]));
                asm("movntdqa 48(%0), %%xmm3" :: "r" (src), "m" (src[3]));
                asm("movaps %%xmm0,   (%1)" : "=m" (dst[0]) : "r" (dst));
                asm("movaps %%xmm1, 16(%1)" : "=m" (dst[1]) : "r" (dst));
                asm("movaps %%xmm2, 32(%1)" : "=m" (dst[2]) : "r" (dst));
                asm("movaps %%xmm3, 48(%1)" : "=m" (dst[3]) : "r" (dst));
                src += 4;
                dst += 4;

        len %= 4;
        while (len) {
                asm("movntdqa (%0), %%xmm0" :: "r" (src), "m" (src[0]));
                asm("movaps %%xmm0, (%1)" : "=m" (dst[0]) : "r" (dst));


Although I still haven't figured out a way to convince it to use
the same registers for src and dest between the two loops.


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