>On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 02:00:42PM +0100, Thomas Wood wrote:
>> On 15 October 2015 at 09:05, Derek Morton <derek.j.mor...@intel.com> wrote:
>> > This test is based on gem_exec_nop but submits nop batch buffers
>> > concurrently from different threads to check for ring hangs and
>> > other issues during concurrent submissions.
>> Is there any reason not to include this as extra subtests in
>> gem_exec_nop so that related tests are grouped together?

gem_exec_nop takes 25 minutes to run on android (with the speed improvement 
patch I submitted yesterday) gem_exec_nop_concurrent takes a similar time. I 
would strongly resist combining the two into a test that takes nearly an hour 
for us to run.

>It's a better fit for ringfill. It already does concurrent clients to the same 
>ring in order to catch exactly the same bugs as described here, so extending 
>it to fill all rings concurrently should be easy.

I will take a look at gem_ringfill


>Chris Wilson, Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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