On 06/29/2015 11:59 AM, Michał Winiarski wrote:
When the the memory backing the userptr object is freed by the user, it's
possible to trigger recursive deadlock caused by operations done on
different BO mapped in that region, triggering invalidate.

Signed-off-by: Michał Winiarski <michal.winiar...@intel.com>
  tests/gem_userptr_blits.c | 83 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1 file changed, 83 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/gem_userptr_blits.c b/tests/gem_userptr_blits.c
index 1f2cc96..3fe8f90 100644
--- a/tests/gem_userptr_blits.c
+++ b/tests/gem_userptr_blits.c
@@ -640,6 +640,80 @@ static void test_forked_access(int fd)

+static int test_map_fixed_invalidate(int fd, bool overlap)
+       void *ptr;
+       void *map;
+       int i;
+       int num_handles = overlap ? 2 : 1;
+       uint32_t handle[num_handles];
+       uint32_t mmap_handle;
+       struct drm_i915_gem_mmap_gtt mmap_arg;
+       igt_assert(posix_memalign(&ptr, PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE) == 0);
+       for (i=0; i<num_handles; i++)
+               igt_assert(gem_userptr(fd, ptr, PAGE_SIZE, 0, &handle[i]) == 0);
+       free(ptr);

I am not sure we can rely on free triggering munmap(2) here, I think this is just glibc implementation detail. So I would suggest allocating with mmap and freeing with munmap.

+       mmap_handle = gem_create(fd, PAGE_SIZE);
+       memset(&mmap_arg, 0, sizeof(mmap_arg));
+       mmap_arg.handle = mmap_handle;
+       do_ioctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_I915_GEM_MMAP_GTT, &mmap_arg);
+       map = mmap(ptr, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | 
+                       fd, mmap_arg.offset);
+       igt_assert(map != MAP_FAILED);
+       *(uint32_t*)map = 0xdead;
+       gem_set_tiling(fd, mmap_handle, 2, 512 * 4);
+       munmap(map, PAGE_SIZE);
+       for (i=0; i<num_handles; i++)
+               gem_close(fd, handle[i]);
+       return 0;
+static int test_map_fixed_partial_overlap(int fd)
+       void *ptr;
+       void *map;
+       uint32_t handle;
+       uint32_t mmap_handle;
+       struct drm_i915_gem_mmap_gtt mmap_arg;
+       struct drm_i915_gem_set_domain set_domain;
+       igt_assert(posix_memalign(&ptr, PAGE_SIZE, sizeof(linear)) == 0);
+       handle = create_userptr(fd, 0, ptr);
+       copy(fd, handle, handle, 0);
+       mmap_handle = gem_create(fd, PAGE_SIZE);
+       memset(&mmap_arg, 0, sizeof(mmap_arg));
+       mmap_arg.handle = mmap_handle;
+       do_ioctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_I915_GEM_MMAP_GTT, &mmap_arg);
+       map = mmap(ptr, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | 
+                       fd, mmap_arg.offset);
+       igt_assert(map != MAP_FAILED);
+       *(uint32_t*)map = 0xdead;
+       memset(&set_domain, 0, sizeof(set_domain));
+       set_domain.handle = handle;
+       set_domain.read_domains = I915_GEM_DOMAIN_GTT;
+       set_domain.write_domain = I915_GEM_DOMAIN_GTT;
+       igt_assert((drmIoctl(fd, DRM_IOCTL_I915_GEM_SET_DOMAIN, &set_domain) != 0) 
+                       errno == EFAULT);
+       free(ptr);
+       munmap(map, PAGE_SIZE);
+       gem_close(fd, handle);
+       gem_close(fd, mmap_handle);
+       return 0;
  static int test_forbidden_ops(int fd)
        struct drm_i915_gem_pread gem_pread;
@@ -1489,6 +1563,15 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
                test_invalidate_close_race(fd, true);

+       igt_subtest("map-fixed-invalidate")
+               test_map_fixed_invalidate(fd, false);
+       igt_subtest("map-fixed-invalidate-overlap")
+               test_map_fixed_invalidate(fd, true);
+       igt_subtest("map-fixed-partial-overlap")
+               test_map_fixed_partial_overlap(fd);

It is a bit confusing how overlap means two different things between subtests. In one it is two userptr objects that are overlapping and in another it is the mmap of a normal GEM bo overlapping the userptr range. I mean, in all subtests mmap always overlap the userptr.

Also, should there be a subtest which mmaps the userptr bo itself with MAP_FIXED, to the same or overlapping range?


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