Functions, Structs and Parameters definitions on kernel documentation
are pure cosmetic, it only highlights the element.

To ease the navigation in the documentation we should use <links> inside
those tags so readers can easily jump between methods directly.

This was discussed in 2014[1] and is implemented by getting a list
of <refentries> from the DocBook XML to generate a database. Then it looks
for <function>,<structnames> and <paramdef> tags that matches the ones in
the database. As it only links existent references, no broken links are

[1] -

Signed-off-by: Danilo Cesar Lemes de Paula <>
Cc: Randy Dunlap <>
Cc: Daniel Vetter <>
Cc: Laurent Pinchart <>
Cc: intel-gfx <>
Cc: dri-devel <>
 To understand a bit more of what this patch is trying to acomplish you can find
 two examples of the old and new htmldocs outputs:

 Documentation/DocBook/Makefile |  34 +++++---
 scripts/kernel-doc-xml-ref     | 176 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 197 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 scripts/kernel-doc-xml-ref

diff --git a/Documentation/DocBook/Makefile b/Documentation/DocBook/Makefile
index b6a6a2e..8aea45a 100644
--- a/Documentation/DocBook/Makefile
+++ b/Documentation/DocBook/Makefile
@@ -64,8 +64,9 @@ installmandocs: mandocs
 #External programs used
-KERNELDOC = $(srctree)/scripts/kernel-doc
-DOCPROC   = $(objtree)/scripts/docproc
+KERNELDOCXMLREF = $(srctree)/scripts/kernel-doc-xml-ref
+KERNELDOC       = $(srctree)/scripts/kernel-doc
+DOCPROC         = $(objtree)/scripts/docproc
 XMLTOFLAGS = -m $(srctree)/$(src)/stylesheet.xsl
 XMLTOFLAGS += --skip-validation
@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ define rule_docproc
         ) > $(dir $@).$(notdir $@).cmd
-%.xml: %.tmpl $(KERNELDOC) $(DOCPROC) FORCE
        $(call if_changed_rule,docproc)
 # Tell kbuild to always build the programs
@@ -139,8 +140,12 @@ quiet_cmd_db2html = HTML    $@
       cmd_db2html = xmlto html $(XMLTOFLAGS) -o $(patsubst %.html,%,$@) $< && \
                echo '<a HREF="$(patsubst %.html,%,$(notdir $@))/index.html"> \
                $(patsubst %.html,%,$(notdir $@))</a><p>' > $@
+%.aux.xml: %.xml
+       @rm -rf $@
+       (cat $< | egrep "^<refentry id" | egrep -o "\".*\"" | cut -f 2 -d \" > 
+       $(KERNELDOCXMLREF) -db $<.db $< > $@
-%.html:        %.xml
+%.html:        %.aux.xml
        @(which xmlto > /dev/null 2>&1) || \
         (echo "*** You need to install xmlto ***"; \
          exit 1)
@@ -209,15 +214,18 @@ dochelp:
 # Temporary files left by various tools
 clean-files := $(DOCBOOKS) \
-       $(patsubst %.xml, %.dvi,  $(DOCBOOKS)) \
-       $(patsubst %.xml, %.aux,  $(DOCBOOKS)) \
-       $(patsubst %.xml, %.tex,  $(DOCBOOKS)) \
-       $(patsubst %.xml, %.log,  $(DOCBOOKS)) \
-       $(patsubst %.xml, %.out,  $(DOCBOOKS)) \
-       $(patsubst %.xml,,   $(DOCBOOKS)) \
-       $(patsubst %.xml, %.pdf,  $(DOCBOOKS)) \
-       $(patsubst %.xml, %.html, $(DOCBOOKS)) \
-       $(patsubst %.xml, %.9,    $(DOCBOOKS)) \
+       $(patsubst %.xml, %.dvi,     $(DOCBOOKS)) \
+       $(patsubst %.xml, %.aux,     $(DOCBOOKS)) \
+       $(patsubst %.xml, %.tex,     $(DOCBOOKS)) \
+       $(patsubst %.xml, %.log,     $(DOCBOOKS)) \
+       $(patsubst %.xml, %.out,     $(DOCBOOKS)) \
+       $(patsubst %.xml,,      $(DOCBOOKS)) \
+       $(patsubst %.xml, %.pdf,     $(DOCBOOKS)) \
+       $(patsubst %.xml, %.html,    $(DOCBOOKS)) \
+       $(patsubst %.xml, %.9,       $(DOCBOOKS)) \
+       $(patsubst %.xml, %.aux.xml, $(DOCBOOKS)) \
+       $(patsubst %.xml, %.xml.db,  $(DOCBOOKS)) \
+       $(patsubst %.xml, %.xml,     $(DOCBOOKS)) \
 clean-dirs := $(patsubst %.xml,%,$(DOCBOOKS)) man
diff --git a/scripts/kernel-doc-xml-ref b/scripts/kernel-doc-xml-ref
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..756e897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/kernel-doc-xml-ref
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+## Copyright (C) 2015  Intel Corporation                         ##
+#                                                                ##
+## This software falls under the GNU General Public License.     ##
+## Please read the COPYING file for more information             ##
+# This software reads a XML file and a list of valid interal
+# references to replace Docbook tags with links.
+# usage:
+# kernel-doc-xml-ref -db filename
+#                   xml filename > outputfile
+# read arguments
+if ($#ARGV != 2) {
+       usage();
+#Holds the database filename
+my $databasefile;
+my @database;
+#holds the inputfile
+my $inputfile;
+my $errors = 0;
+my %highlights = (
+       "<function>(.*?)</function>",
+           "\"<function>\" . convert_function(\$1) . \"</function>\"",
+       "<structname>(.*?)</structname>",
+           "\"<structname>\" . convert_struct(\$1) . \"</structname>\"",
+       "<paramdef>(.*?)<parameter>(.*?)</parameter></paramdef>",
+           "\"<paramdef>\" . convert_param(\$1) . 
+while($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-(.*)/) {
+       my $cmd = shift @ARGV;
+       if ($cmd eq "-db") {
+               $databasefile = shift @ARGV
+       }
+$inputfile = shift @ARGV;
+sub open_database {
+       open my $handle, '<', $databasefile;
+       chomp(my @lines = <$handle>);
+       close $handle;
+       @database = @lines;
+sub process_file {
+       open_database();
+       my $dohighlight;
+       foreach my $pattern (keys %highlights) {
+               $dohighlight .=  "\$line =~ 
+       }
+       open(FILE, $inputfile) or die("Could not open $inputfile");
+       foreach my $line (<FILE>)  {
+               eval $dohighlight;
+               print $line;
+       }
+sub trim($_)
+       my $str = $_[0];
+       $str =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+       return $str
+sub has_key_defined($_)
+       if ( grep( /^$_[0]$/, @database)) {
+               return 1;
+       }
+       return 0;
+sub convert_function($_)
+       my $arg = $_[0];
+       my $key = $_[0];
+       $key = trim($key);
+       $key =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]/-/g;
+       $key = "API-" . $key;
+       if (!has_key_defined($key)) {
+               return $arg;
+       }
+       my $head = $arg;
+       my $tail = "";
+       if ($arg =~ /(.*?)( ?)$/) {
+               $head = $1;
+               $tail = $2;
+       }
+       return "<link linkend=\"$key\">$head</link>$tail";
+sub convert_struct($_)
+       my $arg = $_[0];
+       my $key = $_[0];
+       $key =~ s/(struct )?(\w)/$2/g;
+       $key =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]/-/g;
+       $key = "API-struct-" . $key;
+       if (!has_key_defined($key)) {
+               return $arg;
+       }
+       my ($head, $tail) = split_pointer($arg);
+       return "<link linkend=\"$key\">$head</link>$tail";
+sub split_pointer($_)
+       my $arg = $_[0];
+       if ($arg =~ /(.*?)( ?\* ?)/) {
+               return ($1, $2);
+       }
+       return ($arg, "");
+sub convert_param($_)
+       my $type = $_[0];
+       my $keyname = convert_key_name($type);
+       if (!has_key_defined($keyname)) {
+               return $type;
+       }
+       my ($head, $tail) = split_pointer($type);
+       return "<link linkend=\"$keyname\">$head</link>$tail";
+sub convert_key_name($_)
+       #Pattern $2 is optional and might be uninitialized
+       no warnings 'uninitialized';
+       my $str = $_[0];
+       $str =~ s/(const|static)? ?(struct)? ?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) ?(\*|&)?/$2 $3/g ;
+       # trim
+       $str =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+       # spaces and _ to -
+       $str =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]/-/g;
+       return "API-" . $str;
+sub usage {
+       print "Usage: $0 -db database filename ]\n";
+       print "         xml source file(s) > outputfile\n";
+       exit 1;
+# starting point
+if ($errors) {
+       print STDERR "$errors errors\n";

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