On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 04:43:24PM +0100, John Harrison wrote:
> On 23/06/2015 14:24, Daniel Vetter wrote:
> >On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 12:38:01PM +0100, John Harrison wrote:
> >>On 22/06/2015 21:12, Daniel Vetter wrote:
> >>>On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 05:34:12PM +0100, john.c.harri...@intel.com wrote:
> >>>>From: John Harrison <john.c.harri...@intel.com>
> >>>>
> >>>>It is a bad idea for i915_add_request() to fail. The work will already 
> >>>>have been
> >>>>send to the ring and will be processed, but there will not be any 
> >>>>tracking or
> >>>>management of that work.
> >>>>
> >>>>The only way the add request call can fail is if it can't write its 
> >>>>epilogue
> >>>>commands to the ring (cache flushing, seqno updates, interrupt 
> >>>>signalling). The
> >>>>reasons for that are mostly down to running out of ring buffer space and 
> >>>>the
> >>>>problems associated with trying to get some more. This patch prevents that
> >>>>situation from happening in the first place.
> >>>>
> >>>>When a request is created, it marks sufficient space as reserved for the
> >>>>epilogue commands. Thus guaranteeing that by the time the epilogue is 
> >>>>written,
> >>>>there will be plenty of space for it. Note that a ring_begin() call is 
> >>>>required
> >>>>to actually reserve the space (and do any potential waiting). However, 
> >>>>that is
> >>>>not currently done at request creation time. This is because the 
> >>>>ring_begin()
> >>>>code can allocate a request. Hence calling begin() from the request 
> >>>>allocation
> >>>>code would lead to infinite recursion! Later patches in this series 
> >>>>remove the
> >>>>need for begin() to do the allocate. At that point, it becomes safe for 
> >>>>the
> >>>>allocate to call begin() and really reserve the space.
> >>>>
> >>>>Until then, there is a potential for insufficient space to be available 
> >>>>at the
> >>>>point of calling i915_add_request(). However, that would only be in the 
> >>>>case
> >>>>where the request was created and immediately submitted without ever 
> >>>>calling
> >>>>ring_begin() and adding any work to that request. Which should never 
> >>>>happen. And
> >>>>even if it does, and if that request happens to fall down the tiny window 
> >>>>of
> >>>>opportunity for failing due to being out of ring space then does it really
> >>>>matter because the request wasn't doing anything in the first place?
> >>>>
> >>>>v2: Updated the 'reserved space too small' warning to include the 
> >>>>offending
> >>>>sizes. Added a 'cancel' operation to clean up when a request is 
> >>>>abandoned. Added
> >>>>re-initialisation of tracking state after a buffer wrap to keep the sanity
> >>>>checks accurate.
> >>>>
> >>>>v3: Incremented the reserved size to accommodate Ironlake (after finally
> >>>>managing to run on an ILK system). Also fixed missing wrap code in LRC 
> >>>>mode.
> >>>>
> >>>>v4: Added extra comment and removed duplicate WARN (feedback from Tomas).
> >>>>
> >>>>v5: Re-write of wrap handling to prevent unnecessary early wraps 
> >>>>(feedback from
> >>>>Daniel Vetter).
> >>>This didn't actually implement what I suggested (wrapping is the worst
> >>>case, hence skipping the check for that is breaking the sanity check) and
> >>>so changed the patch from "correct, but a bit fragile" to broken. I've
> >>>merged the previous version instead.
> >>>-Daniel
> >>I'm confused. I thought your main issue was the early wrapping not the
> >>sanity check. The check is to ensure that the reservation is large enough to
> >>cover all the commands written during request submission. That should not be
> >>affected by whether a wrap occurs or not. Wrapping does not magically add an
> >>extra bunch of dwords to the emit_request() call. Whereas making the check
> >>work with the wrap condition requires adding in extra tracking state of
> >>exactly where the wrap occurred. That is extra code that only exists to
> >>catch something in the very rare case which should already have been caught
> >>in the very common case. I.e. if your reserved size is too small then you
> >>will hit the warning on every batch buffer submission.
> >The problem is that if you allow a wrap in the reserve size then the
> >ringspace requirements are bigger than if you don't wrap. And since the
> >add request is split up into many intel_ring_begin that's possible. Hence
> >if you allow wrapping in the reserved space, then the most important case
> >for the debug check is to make sure that it catches any kind of
> >reservation overflow while wrapping. The not-wrapped case is probably the
> >boring one.
> >
> >And indeed eventually we should overflow since according to your comment
> >the worst case add request on ilk is 136 dwords. And the largest
> >intel_ring_begin in there is 32 dwords, which means at most we'll throw
> >away 31 dwords when wrapping. Which means the 160 dwords of reservation
> >are not enough since we'd need 167 dwords of space for the worst case. But
> >since the space_end debug check was a no-op for the wrapped case you won't
> >catch this one.
> The minimum reservation size in this case is still only 136. The prepare
> code checks for the 32 words actually requested and wraps if necessary. It
> then checks for 136+32 words of space. If that would cause a wrap it will
> then add on the amount of space actually left in the ring and wait for that
> bigger total. That guarantees that it has waited for the 136 at the start of
> the ring. The caller is then free to fill in the 32 words and there is still
> guaranteed to be a minimum of 136 words available (with or without wrapping)
> before any further wait for space is necessary. Thus the add_request() code
> is safe from fear of failure irrespective of where any wrap might occur.
> >
> >Wrt keeping track of wrapping while the reservation is in use, the
> >following should do that without any need of additional tracking:
> >
> >
> >     int used_size = ringbuf->tail - ringbuf->reserved_tail;
> >
> >     if (used_size < 0)
> >             used_size += ringbuf->size;
> >
> >     WARN(used_size < ringbuf->reserved_size,
> >          "request reserved size too small: %d vs %d!\n",
> >          used_size, ringbuf->reserved_size);
> >
> >I was mistaken that you can reuse __intel_ring_space (since that has
> >slightly different requirements), but this gives you a nicely localized
> >check for reservation overflow which works even when you wrap. Ofc it
> >won't work if an add_request is bigger than the entire ring, but that's
> >impossible anyway since we can at most reserve ringbuf->size -
> The problem with the above calculation is that it includes the wasted space
> at the end of the ring. Thus it will complain the reserved size was too
> small when in fact it was just fine.

Ok I again misunderstood your patch a bit since it didn't quite do what I
expect, and I stand corrected that v5 works too. But I still seem to fail
to get my main concern across. I'll see whether I can whip up a patch as a
short demonstration, maybe that helps to unconfuse this dicussion.

For now I think we're covered with either v4 or v5 so sticking with either
is ok with me.
Daniel Vetter
Software Engineer, Intel Corporation
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