Hi folks,

the attached patch enables dithering for the Fujitsu S6010 notebook (and others using the ns2501 DVO chip). It also uses explicit programming for *some* of the DVO registers whose functions I revealed by reverse engineering (thus, guesswork).

Please let me know what is missing to include this patch in the kernel.

>From 3353aee162b45b8a03fa13e470858b5157263831 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Richter <t...@math.tu-berlin.de>
Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 19:56:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/1] Added the dithering enable for the ns2501.

This patch enables dithering for notebooks using the ns2501 DVO
chip. For that, the DVO bypass for the native display resolution
has to be disabled, and timing values for the 1024x768 resolution
had to be added.

This patch also reveals some of the internals of the DVO, which is
unfortunately not documented. Hence, register meanings are only the
result of reverse engineering.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Richter <t...@math.tu-berlin.de>
 drivers/gpu/drm/i915/dvo_ns2501.c |  693 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 441 insertions(+), 252 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/dvo_ns2501.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/dvo_ns2501.c
index 954acb2..924383d 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/dvo_ns2501.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/dvo_ns2501.c
@@ -60,32 +60,328 @@
 #define NS2501_REGC 0x0c
-struct ns2501_priv {
-	//I2CDevRec d;
-	bool quiet;
-	int reg_8_shadow;
-	int reg_8_set;
-	// Shadow registers for i915
-	int dvoc;
-	int pll_a;
-	int srcdim;
-	int fw_blc;
+ * The following registers are not part of the official datasheet
+ * and are the result of reverse engineering.
+ */
+ * Register c0 controls how the DVO synchronizes with
+ * its input.
+ */
+#define NS2501_REGC0 0xc0
+#define NS2501_C0_ENABLE (1<<0)	/* enable the DVO sync in general */
+#define NS2501_C0_HSYNC (1<<1)	/* synchronize horizontal with input */
+#define NS2501_C0_VSYNC (1<<2)	/* synchronize vertical with input */
+#define NS2501_C0_RESET (1<<7)	/* reset the synchronization flip/flops */
+ * Register 41 is somehow related to the sync register and sync
+ * configuration. It should be 0x32 whenever regC0 is 0x05 (hsync off)
+ * and 0x00 otherwise.
+ */
+#define NS2501_REG41 0x41
+ * this register controls the dithering of the DVO
+ * One bit enables it, the other define the dithering depth.
+ * The higher the value, the lower the dithering depth.
+ */
+#define NS2501_F9_REG 0xf9
+#define NS2501_F9_ENABLE (1<<0)		/* if set, dithering is enabled */
+#define NS2501_F9_DITHER_MASK (0x7f<<1)	/* controls the dither depth */
+#define NS2501_F9_DITHER_SHIFT 1	/* shifts the dither mask */
+ * PLL configuration register. This is a pair of registers,
+ * one single byte register at 1B, and a pair at 1C,1D.
+ * These registers are counters/dividers.
+ */
+#define NS2501_REG1B 0x1b /* one byte PLL control register */
+#define NS2501_REG1C 0x1c /* low-part of the second register */
+#define NS2501_REG1D 0x1d /* high-part of the second register */
+ * Scaler control registers. Horizontal at b8,b9,
+ * vertical at 10,11. The scale factor is computed as
+ * 2^16/control-value. The low-byte comes first.
+ */
+#define NS2501_REG10 0x10 /* low-byte vertical scaler */
+#define NS2501_REG11 0x11 /* high-byte vertical scaler */
+#define NS2501_REGB8 0xb8 /* low-byte horizontal scaler */
+#define NS2501_REGB9 0xb9 /* high-byte horizontal scaler */
+ * Display window definition. This consists of four registers
+ * per dimension. One register pair defines the start of the
+ * display, one the end.
+ * As far as I understand, this defines the window within which
+ * the scaler samples the input.
+ */
+#define NS2501_REGC1 0xc1 /* low-byte horizontal display start */
+#define NS2501_REGC2 0xc2 /* high-byte horizontal display start */
+#define NS2501_REGC3 0xc3 /* low-byte horizontal display stop */
+#define NS2501_REGC4 0xc4 /* high-byte horizontal display stop */
+#define NS2501_REGC5 0xc5 /* low-byte vertical display start */
+#define NS2501_REGC6 0xc6 /* high-byte vertical display start */
+#define NS2501_REGC7 0xc7 /* low-byte vertical display stop */
+#define NS2501_REGC8 0xc8 /* high-byte vertical display stop */
+ * The following register pair seems to define the start of
+ * the vertical sync. If automatic syncing is enabled, and the
+ * register value defines a sync pulse that is later than the
+ * incoming sync, then the register value is ignored and the
+ * external hsync triggers the synchronization.
+ */
+#define NS2501_REG80 0x80 /* low-byte vsync-start */
+#define NS2501_REG81 0x81 /* high-byte vsync-start */
+ * The following register pair seems to define the total number
+ * of lines created at the output side of the scaler.
+ * This is again a low-high register pair.
+ */
+#define NS2501_REG82 0x82 /* output display height, low byte */
+#define NS2501_REG83 0x83 /* output display height, high byte */
+ * The following registers define the end of the front-porch
+ * in horizontal and vertical position and hence allow to shift
+ * the image left/right or up/down.
+ */
+#define NS2501_REG98 0x98 /* horizontal start of display + 256, low */
+#define NS2501_REG99 0x99 /* horizontal start of display + 256, high */
+#define NS2501_REG8E 0x8e /* vertical start of the display, low byte */
+#define NS2501_REG8F 0x8f /* vertical start of the display, high byte */
+ * The following register pair control the function of the
+ * backlight and the DVO output. To enable the corresponding
+ * function, the corresponding bit must be set in both registers.
+ */
+#define NS2501_REG34 0x34 /* DVO enable functions, first register */
+#define NS2501_REG35 0x35 /* DVO enable functions, second register */
+#define NS2501_34_ENABLE_OUTPUT (1<<0) /* enable DVO output */
+#define NS2501_34_ENABLE_BACKLIGHT (1<<1) /* enable backlight */
+ * Registers 9C and 9D define the vertical output offset
+ * of the visible region.
+ */
+#define NS2501_REG9C 0x9c
+#define NS2501_REG9D 0x9d
+ * The register 9F defines the dithering. This requires the
+ * scaler to be ON. Bit 0 enables dithering, the remaining
+ * bits control the depth of the dither. The higher the value,
+ * the LOWER the dithering amplitude. A good value seems to be
+ * 15 (total register value).
+ */
+#define NS2501_REGF9 0xf9
+#define NS2501_F9_ENABLE_DITHER (1<<0) /* enable dithering */
+#define NS2501_F9_DITHER_MASK (0x7f<<1) /* dither masking */
+#define NS2501_F9_DITHER_SHIFT 1	/* upshift of the dither mask */
+enum {
+	MODE_640x480,
+	MODE_800x600,
+	MODE_1024x768,
-#define NSPTR(d) ((NS2501Ptr)(d->DriverPrivate.ptr))
+struct ns2501_reg {
+	 uint8_t offset;
+	 uint8_t value;
- * For reasons unclear to me, the ns2501 at least on the Fujitsu/Siemens
- * laptops does not react on the i2c bus unless
- * both the PLL is running and the display is configured in its native
- * resolution.
- * This function forces the DVO on, and stores the registers it touches.
- * Afterwards, registers are restored to regular values.
- *
- * This is pretty much a hack, though it works.
- * Without that, ns2501_readb and ns2501_writeb fail
- * when switching the resolution.
+ * The following structure keeps the complete configuration of
+ * the DVO, given a specific output configuration.
+ * This is pretty much guess-work from reverse-engineering, so
+ * read all this with a grain of salt.
+struct ns2501_configuration {
+	uint8_t sync;		/* configuration of the C0 register */
+	uint8_t conf;		/* configuration register 8 */
+	uint8_t syncb;		/* configuration register 41 */
+	uint8_t	dither;		/* configuration of the dithering */
+	uint8_t pll_a;		/* PLL configuration, register A, 1B */
+	uint16_t pll_b;		/* PLL configuration, register B, 1C/1D */
+	uint16_t hstart;	/* horizontal start, registers C1/C2 */
+	uint16_t hstop;		/* horizontal total, registers C3/C4 */
+	uint16_t vstart;	/* vertical start, registers C5/C6 */
+	uint16_t vstop;		/* vertical total, registers C7/C8 */
+	uint16_t vsync;         /* manual vertical sync start, 80/81 */
+	uint16_t vtotal;        /* number of lines generated, 82/83 */
+	uint16_t hpos;		/* horizontal position + 256, 98/99  */
+	uint16_t vpos;		/* vertical position, 8e/8f */
+	uint16_t voffs;		/* vertical output offset, 9c/9d */
+	uint16_t hscale;	/* horizontal scaling factor, b8/b9 */
+	uint16_t vscale;	/* vertical scaling factor, 10/11 */
+ * DVO configuration values, partially based on what the BIOS
+ * of the Fujitsu Lifebook S6010 writes into registers,
+ * partially found by manual tweaking. These configurations assume
+ * a 1024x768 panel.
+ */
+static const struct ns2501_configuration ns2501_modes[] = {
+	[MODE_640x480] = {
+		.sync	= NS2501_C0_ENABLE | NS2501_C0_VSYNC,
+		.conf	= NS2501_8_VEN | NS2501_8_HEN | NS2501_8_PD,
+		.syncb	= 0x32,
+		.dither	= 0x0f,
+		.pll_a	= 17,
+		.pll_b	= 852,
+		.hstart	= 144,
+		.hstop	= 783,
+		.vstart	= 22,
+		.vstop	= 514,
+		.vsync	= 2047, /* actually, ignored with this config */
+		.vtotal	= 1341,
+		.hpos	= 0,
+		.vpos	= 16,
+		.voffs	= 36,
+		.hscale	= 40960,
+		.vscale	= 40960
+	},
+	[MODE_800x600] = {
+		.sync	= NS2501_C0_ENABLE |
+			  NS2501_C0_HSYNC | NS2501_C0_VSYNC,
+		.conf   = NS2501_8_VEN | NS2501_8_HEN | NS2501_8_PD,
+		.syncb	= 0x00,
+		.dither	= 0x0f,
+		.pll_a	= 25,
+		.pll_b	= 612,
+		.hstart	= 215,
+		.hstop	= 1016,
+		.vstart	= 26,
+		.vstop	= 627,
+		.vsync	= 807,
+		.vtotal	= 1341,
+		.hpos	= 0,
+		.vpos	= 4,
+		.voffs	= 35,
+		.hscale	= 51248,
+		.vscale	= 51232
+	},
+	[MODE_1024x768] = {
+		.sync	= NS2501_C0_ENABLE | NS2501_C0_VSYNC,
+		.conf   = NS2501_8_VEN | NS2501_8_HEN | NS2501_8_PD,
+		.syncb	= 0x32,
+		.dither	= 0x0f,
+		.pll_a	= 11,
+		.pll_b	= 1350,
+		.hstart	= 276,
+		.hstop	= 1299,
+		.vstart	= 15,
+		.vstop	= 1056,
+		.vsync	= 2047,
+		.vtotal	= 1341,
+		.hpos	= 0,
+		.vpos	= 7,
+		.voffs	= 27,
+		.hscale	= 65535,
+		.vscale	= 65535
+	}
+ * Other configuration values left by the BIOS of the
+ * Fujitsu S6010 in the DVO control registers. Their
+ * value does not depend on the BIOS and their meaning
+ * is unknown.
+ */
+static const struct ns2501_reg mode_agnostic_values[] = {
+	/* 08 is mode specific */
+	[0] = { .offset = 0x0a, .value = 0x81, },
+	/* 10,11 are part of the mode specific configuration */
+	[1] = { .offset = 0x12, .value = 0x02, },
+	[2] = { .offset = 0x18, .value = 0x07, },
+	[3] = { .offset = 0x19, .value = 0x00, },
+	[4] = { .offset = 0x1a, .value = 0x00, }, /* PLL?, ignored */
+	/* 1b,1c,1d are part of the mode specific configuration */
+	[5] = { .offset = 0x1e, .value = 0x02, },
+	[6] = { .offset = 0x1f, .value = 0x40, },
+	[7] = { .offset = 0x20, .value = 0x00, },
+	[8] = { .offset = 0x21, .value = 0x00, },
+	[9] = { .offset = 0x22, .value = 0x00, },
+	[10] = { .offset = 0x23, .value = 0x00, },
+	[11] = { .offset = 0x24, .value = 0x00, },
+	[12] = { .offset = 0x25, .value = 0x00, },
+	[13] = { .offset = 0x26, .value = 0x00, },
+	[14] = { .offset = 0x27, .value = 0x00, },
+	[15] = { .offset = 0x7e, .value = 0x18, },
+	/* 80-84 are part of the mode-specific configuration */
+	[16] = { .offset = 0x84, .value = 0x00, },
+	[17] = { .offset = 0x85, .value = 0x00, },
+	[18] = { .offset = 0x86, .value = 0x00, },
+	[19] = { .offset = 0x87, .value = 0x00, },
+	[20] = { .offset = 0x88, .value = 0x00, },
+	[21] = { .offset = 0x89, .value = 0x00, },
+	[22] = { .offset = 0x8a, .value = 0x00, },
+	[23] = { .offset = 0x8b, .value = 0x00, },
+	[24] = { .offset = 0x8c, .value = 0x10, },
+	[25] = { .offset = 0x8d, .value = 0x02, },
+	/* 8e,8f are part of the mode-specific configuration */
+	[26] = { .offset = 0x90, .value = 0xff, },
+	[27] = { .offset = 0x91, .value = 0x07, },
+	[28] = { .offset = 0x92, .value = 0xa0, },
+	[29] = { .offset = 0x93, .value = 0x02, },
+	[30] = { .offset = 0x94, .value = 0x00, },
+	[31] = { .offset = 0x95, .value = 0x00, },
+	[32] = { .offset = 0x96, .value = 0x05, },
+	[33] = { .offset = 0x97, .value = 0x00, },
+	/* 98,99 are part of the mode-specific configuration */
+	[34] = { .offset = 0x9a, .value = 0x88, },
+	[35] = { .offset = 0x9b, .value = 0x00, },
+	/* 9c,9d are part of the mode-specific configuration */
+	[36] = { .offset = 0x9e, .value = 0x25, },
+	[37] = { .offset = 0x9f, .value = 0x03, },
+	[38] = { .offset = 0xa0, .value = 0x28, },
+	[39] = { .offset = 0xa1, .value = 0x01, },
+	[40] = { .offset = 0xa2, .value = 0x28, },
+	[41] = { .offset = 0xa3, .value = 0x05, },
+	/* register 0xa4 is mode specific, but 0x80..0x84 works always */
+	[42] = { .offset = 0xa4, .value = 0x84, },
+	[43] = { .offset = 0xa5, .value = 0x00, },
+	[44] = { .offset = 0xa6, .value = 0x00, },
+	[45] = { .offset = 0xa7, .value = 0x00, },
+	[46] = { .offset = 0xa8, .value = 0x00, },
+	/* 0xa9 to 0xab are mode specific, but have no visible effect */
+	[47] = { .offset = 0xa9, .value = 0x04, },
+	[48] = { .offset = 0xaa, .value = 0x70, },
+	[49] = { .offset = 0xab, .value = 0x4f, },
+	[50] = { .offset = 0xac, .value = 0x00, },
+	[51] = { .offset = 0xad, .value = 0x00, },
+	[52] = { .offset = 0xb6, .value = 0x09, },
+	[53] = { .offset = 0xb7, .value = 0x03, },
+	/* b8,b9 are part of the mode-specific configuration */
+	[54] = { .offset = 0xba, .value = 0x00, },
+	[55] = { .offset = 0xbb, .value = 0x20, },
+	[56] = { .offset = 0xf3, .value = 0x90, },
+	[57] = { .offset = 0xf4, .value = 0x00, },
+	[58] = { .offset = 0xf7, .value = 0x88, },
+	/* f8 is mode specific, but the value does not matter */
+	[59] = { .offset = 0xf8, .value = 0x0a, },
+	[60] = { .offset = 0xf9, .value = 0x00, }
+static const struct ns2501_reg regs_init[] = {
+	[0] = { .offset = 0x35, .value = 0xff, },
+	[1] = { .offset = 0x34, .value = 0x00, },
+	[2] = { .offset = 0x08, .value = 0x30, },
+struct ns2501_priv {
+	bool quiet;
+	const struct ns2501_configuration *conf;
+#define NSPTR(d) ((NS2501Ptr)(d->DriverPrivate.ptr))
 ** Read a register from the ns2501.
@@ -121,7 +417,7 @@ static bool ns2501_readb(struct intel_dvo_device *dvo, int addr, uint8_t * ch)
 	if (i2c_transfer(adapter, msgs, 2) == 2) {
 		*ch = in_buf[0];
 		return true;
-	};
+	}
 	if (!ns->quiet) {
@@ -205,11 +501,9 @@ static bool ns2501_init(struct intel_dvo_device *dvo,
 		goto out;
 	ns->quiet = false;
-	ns->reg_8_set = 0;
-	ns->reg_8_shadow =
-	    NS2501_8_PD | NS2501_8_BPAS | NS2501_8_VEN | NS2501_8_HEN;
 	DRM_DEBUG_KMS("init ns2501 dvo controller successfully!\n");
 	return true;
@@ -233,9 +527,8 @@ static enum drm_mode_status ns2501_mode_valid(struct intel_dvo_device *dvo,
 					      struct drm_display_mode *mode)
-	    ("%s: is mode valid (hdisplay=%d,htotal=%d,vdisplay=%d,vtotal=%d)\n",
-	     __FUNCTION__, mode->hdisplay, mode->htotal, mode->vdisplay,
-	     mode->vtotal);
+	    ("is mode valid (hdisplay=%d,htotal=%d,vdisplay=%d,vtotal=%d)\n",
+	     mode->hdisplay, mode->htotal, mode->vdisplay, mode->vtotal);
 	 * Currently, these are all the modes I have data from.
@@ -243,9 +536,12 @@ static enum drm_mode_status ns2501_mode_valid(struct intel_dvo_device *dvo,
 	 * of the panel in here so we could always accept it
 	 * by disabling the scaler.
-	if ((mode->hdisplay == 800 && mode->vdisplay == 600) ||
-	    (mode->hdisplay == 640 && mode->vdisplay == 480) ||
-	    (mode->hdisplay == 1024 && mode->vdisplay == 768)) {
+	if ((mode->hdisplay == 640 && mode->vdisplay == 480 &&
+	     mode->clock == 25175) ||
+	    (mode->hdisplay == 800 && mode->vdisplay == 600 &&
+	     mode->clock == 40000) ||
+	    (mode->hdisplay == 1024 && mode->vdisplay == 768 &&
+	     mode->clock == 65000)) {
 		return MODE_OK;
 	} else {
 		return MODE_ONE_SIZE;	/* Is this a reasonable error? */
@@ -256,184 +552,95 @@ static void ns2501_mode_set(struct intel_dvo_device *dvo,
 			    struct drm_display_mode *mode,
 			    struct drm_display_mode *adjusted_mode)
-	bool ok;
-	int retries = 10;
+	const struct ns2501_configuration *conf;
 	struct ns2501_priv *ns = (struct ns2501_priv *)(dvo->dev_priv);
+	int mode_idx, i;
-	    ("%s: set mode (hdisplay=%d,htotal=%d,vdisplay=%d,vtotal=%d).\n",
-	     __FUNCTION__, mode->hdisplay, mode->htotal, mode->vdisplay,
-	     mode->vtotal);
-	/*
-	 * Where do I find the native resolution for which scaling is not required???
-	 *
-	 * First trigger the DVO on as otherwise the chip does not appear on the i2c
-	 * bus.
-	 */
-	do {
-		ok = true;
-		if (mode->hdisplay == 800 && mode->vdisplay == 600) {
-			/* mode 277 */
-			ns->reg_8_shadow &= ~NS2501_8_BPAS;
-			DRM_DEBUG_KMS("%s: switching to 800x600\n",
-				      __FUNCTION__);
-			/*
-			 * No, I do not know where this data comes from.
-			 * It is just what the video bios left in the DVO, so
-			 * I'm just copying it here over.
-			 * This also means that I cannot support any other modes
-			 * except the ones supported by the bios.
-			 */
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x11, 0xc8);	// 0xc7 also works.
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x1b, 0x19);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x1c, 0x62);	// VBIOS left 0x64 here, but 0x62 works nicer
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x1d, 0x02);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x34, 0x03);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x35, 0xff);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x80, 0x27);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x81, 0x03);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x82, 0x41);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x83, 0x05);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x8d, 0x02);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x8e, 0x04);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x8f, 0x00);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x90, 0xfe);	/* vertical. VBIOS left 0xff here, but 0xfe works better */
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x91, 0x07);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x94, 0x00);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x95, 0x00);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x96, 0x00);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x99, 0x00);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x9a, 0x88);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x9c, 0x23);	/* Looks like first and last line of the image. */
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x9d, 0x00);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x9e, 0x25);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x9f, 0x03);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xa4, 0x80);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xb6, 0x00);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xb9, 0xc8);	/* horizontal? */
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xba, 0x00);	/* horizontal? */
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc0, 0x05);	/* horizontal? */
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc1, 0xd7);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc2, 0x00);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc3, 0xf8);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc4, 0x03);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc5, 0x1a);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc6, 0x00);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc7, 0x73);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc8, 0x02);
-		} else if (mode->hdisplay == 640 && mode->vdisplay == 480) {
-			/* mode 274 */
-			DRM_DEBUG_KMS("%s: switching to 640x480\n",
-				      __FUNCTION__);
-			/*
-			 * No, I do not know where this data comes from.
-			 * It is just what the video bios left in the DVO, so
-			 * I'm just copying it here over.
-			 * This also means that I cannot support any other modes
-			 * except the ones supported by the bios.
-			 */
-			ns->reg_8_shadow &= ~NS2501_8_BPAS;
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x11, 0xa0);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x1b, 0x11);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x1c, 0x54);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x1d, 0x03);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x34, 0x03);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x35, 0xff);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x80, 0xff);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x81, 0x07);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x82, 0x3d);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x83, 0x05);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x8d, 0x02);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x8e, 0x10);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x8f, 0x00);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x90, 0xff);	/* vertical */
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x91, 0x07);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x94, 0x00);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x95, 0x00);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x96, 0x05);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x99, 0x00);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x9a, 0x88);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x9c, 0x24);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x9d, 0x00);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x9e, 0x25);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x9f, 0x03);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xa4, 0x84);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xb6, 0x09);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xb9, 0xa0);	/* horizontal? */
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xba, 0x00);	/* horizontal? */
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc0, 0x05);	/* horizontal? */
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc1, 0x90);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc2, 0x00);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc3, 0x0f);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc4, 0x03);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc5, 0x16);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc6, 0x00);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc7, 0x02);
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0xc8, 0x02);
-		} else if (mode->hdisplay == 1024 && mode->vdisplay == 768) {
-			/* mode 280 */
-			DRM_DEBUG_KMS("%s: switching to 1024x768\n",
-				      __FUNCTION__);
-			/*
-			 * This might or might not work, actually. I'm silently
-			 * assuming here that the native panel resolution is
-			 * 1024x768. If not, then this leaves the scaler disabled
-			 * generating a picture that is likely not the expected.
-			 *
-			 * Problem is that I do not know where to take the panel
-			 * dimensions from.
-			 *
-			 * Enable the bypass, scaling not required.
-			 *
-			 * The scaler registers are irrelevant here....
-			 *
-			 */
-			ns->reg_8_shadow |= NS2501_8_BPAS;
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x37, 0x44);
-		} else {
-			/*
-			 * Data not known. Bummer!
-			 * Hopefully, the code should not go here
-			 * as mode_OK delivered no other modes.
-			 */
-			ns->reg_8_shadow |= NS2501_8_BPAS;
-		}
-		ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG8, ns->reg_8_shadow);
-	} while (!ok && retries--);
+	    ("set mode (hdisplay=%d,htotal=%d,vdisplay=%d,vtotal=%d).\n",
+	     mode->hdisplay, mode->htotal, mode->vdisplay, mode->vtotal);
+	DRM_DEBUG_KMS("Detailed requested mode settings are:\n"
+			"clock		: %d kHz\n"
+			"hdisplay	: %d\n"
+			"hblank start	: %d\n"
+			"hblank end	: %d\n"
+			"hsync start	: %d\n"
+			"hsync end	: %d\n"
+			"htotal		: %d\n"
+			"hskew		: %d\n"
+			"vdisplay	: %d\n"
+			"vblank start	: %d\n"
+			"hblank end	: %d\n"
+			"vsync start	: %d\n"
+			"vsync end	: %d\n"
+			"vtotal		: %d\n",
+			adjusted_mode->crtc_clock,
+			adjusted_mode->crtc_hdisplay,
+			adjusted_mode->crtc_hblank_start,
+			adjusted_mode->crtc_hblank_end,
+			adjusted_mode->crtc_hsync_start,
+			adjusted_mode->crtc_hsync_end,
+			adjusted_mode->crtc_htotal,
+			adjusted_mode->crtc_hskew,
+			adjusted_mode->crtc_vdisplay,
+			adjusted_mode->crtc_vblank_start,
+			adjusted_mode->crtc_vblank_end,
+			adjusted_mode->crtc_vsync_start,
+			adjusted_mode->crtc_vsync_end,
+			adjusted_mode->crtc_vtotal);
+	if (mode->hdisplay == 640 && mode->vdisplay == 480)
+		mode_idx = MODE_640x480;
+	else if (mode->hdisplay == 800 && mode->vdisplay == 600)
+		mode_idx = MODE_800x600;
+	else if (mode->hdisplay == 1024 && mode->vdisplay == 768)
+		mode_idx = MODE_1024x768;
+	else
+		return;
+	/* Hopefully doing it every time won't hurt... */
+	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(regs_init); i++)
+		ns2501_writeb(dvo, regs_init[i].offset, regs_init[i].value);
+	/* Write the mode-agnostic values */
+	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(mode_agnostic_values); i++)
+		ns2501_writeb(dvo, mode_agnostic_values[i].offset,
+				mode_agnostic_values[i].value);
+	/* Write now the mode-specific configuration */
+	conf = ns2501_modes + mode_idx;
+	ns->conf = conf;
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG8, conf->conf);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG1B, conf->pll_a);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG1C, conf->pll_b & 0xff);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG1D, conf->pll_b >> 8);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REGC1, conf->hstart & 0xff);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REGC2, conf->hstart >> 8);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REGC3, conf->hstop & 0xff);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REGC4, conf->hstop >> 8);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REGC5, conf->vstart & 0xff);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REGC6, conf->vstart >> 8);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REGC7, conf->vstop & 0xff);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REGC8, conf->vstop >> 8);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG80, conf->vsync & 0xff);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG81, conf->vsync >> 8);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG82, conf->vtotal & 0xff);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG83, conf->vtotal >> 8);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG98, conf->hpos & 0xff);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG99, conf->hpos >> 8);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG8E, conf->vpos & 0xff);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG8F, conf->vpos >> 8);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG9C, conf->voffs & 0xff);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG9D, conf->voffs >> 8);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REGB8, conf->hscale & 0xff);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REGB9, conf->hscale >> 8);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG10, conf->vscale & 0xff);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG11, conf->vscale >> 8);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REGF9, conf->dither);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG41, conf->syncb);
+	ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REGC0, conf->sync);
 /* set the NS2501 power state */
@@ -444,61 +651,44 @@ static bool ns2501_get_hw_state(struct intel_dvo_device *dvo)
 	if (!ns2501_readb(dvo, NS2501_REG8, &ch))
 		return false;
-	if (ch & NS2501_8_PD)
-		return true;
-	else
-		return false;
+	return ch & NS2501_8_PD;
 /* set the NS2501 power state */
 static void ns2501_dpms(struct intel_dvo_device *dvo, bool enable)
-	bool ok;
-	int retries = 10;
 	struct ns2501_priv *ns = (struct ns2501_priv *)(dvo->dev_priv);
-	unsigned char ch;
-	DRM_DEBUG_KMS("%s: Trying set the dpms of the DVO to %i\n",
-		      __FUNCTION__, enable);
+	DRM_DEBUG_KMS("Trying set the dpms of the DVO to %i\n", enable);
-	ch = ns->reg_8_shadow;
+	if (enable) {
+		ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REGC0, ns->conf->sync | 0x08);
-	if (enable)
-		ch |= NS2501_8_PD;
-	else
-		ch &= ~NS2501_8_PD;
-	if (ns->reg_8_set == 0 || ns->reg_8_shadow != ch) {
-		ns->reg_8_set = 1;
-		ns->reg_8_shadow = ch;
-		do {
-			ok = true;
-			ok &= ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG8, ch);
-			ok &=
-			    ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x34,
-					  enable ? 0x03 : 0x00);
-			ok &=
-			    ns2501_writeb(dvo, 0x35,
-					  enable ? 0xff : 0x00);
-		} while (!ok && retries--);
-	}
+		ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG41, ns->conf->syncb);
-static void ns2501_dump_regs(struct intel_dvo_device *dvo)
-	uint8_t val;
-	ns2501_readb(dvo, NS2501_FREQ_LO, &val);
-	DRM_LOG_KMS("NS2501_FREQ_LO: 0x%02x\n", val);
-	ns2501_readb(dvo, NS2501_FREQ_HI, &val);
-	DRM_LOG_KMS("NS2501_FREQ_HI: 0x%02x\n", val);
-	ns2501_readb(dvo, NS2501_REG8, &val);
-	DRM_LOG_KMS("NS2501_REG8: 0x%02x\n", val);
-	ns2501_readb(dvo, NS2501_REG9, &val);
-	DRM_LOG_KMS("NS2501_REG9: 0x%02x\n", val);
-	ns2501_readb(dvo, NS2501_REGC, &val);
-	DRM_LOG_KMS("NS2501_REGC: 0x%02x\n", val);
+		ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG34, NS2501_34_ENABLE_OUTPUT);
+		msleep(20);
+		ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG8,
+				ns->conf->conf | NS2501_8_BPAS);
+		if (!(ns->conf->conf & NS2501_8_BPAS))
+			ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG8, ns->conf->conf);
+		msleep(200);
+		ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG34,
+		ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REGC0, ns->conf->sync);
+	} else {
+		ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG34, NS2501_34_ENABLE_OUTPUT);
+		msleep(200);
+		ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG8, NS2501_8_VEN | NS2501_8_HEN |
+				NS2501_8_BPAS);
+		msleep(20);
+		ns2501_writeb(dvo, NS2501_REG34, 0x00);
+	}
 static void ns2501_destroy(struct intel_dvo_device *dvo)
@@ -518,6 +708,5 @@ struct intel_dvo_dev_ops ns2501_ops = {
 	.mode_set = ns2501_mode_set,
 	.dpms = ns2501_dpms,
 	.get_hw_state = ns2501_get_hw_state,
-	.dump_regs = ns2501_dump_regs,
 	.destroy = ns2501_destroy,

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