On Mon, Mar 02, 2015 at 03:37:32PM -0800, jeff.mc...@intel.com wrote:
> From: Jeff McGee <jeff.mc...@intel.com>
> Setup new I915_GETPARAM ioctl entries for subslice total and
> EU total. Userspace drivers need these values when constructing
> GPGPU commands. This kernel query method is intended to replace
> the PCI ID-based tables that userspace drivers currently maintain.
> The kernel driver can employ fuse register reads as needed to
> ensure the most accurate determination of GT config attributes.
> This first became important with Cherryview in which the config
> could differ between devices with the same PCI ID.
> The kernel detection of these values is device-specific and not
> included in this patch. Because zero is not a valid value for any of
> these parameters, a value of zero is interpreted as unknown for the
> device. Userspace drivers should continue to maintain ID-based tables
> for older devices not supported by the new query method.
We already have total EU detection support for Cherryview but we
need to add detection of total subslice. That support is included
in the below-linked series which has been reviewed but not yet


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