
This is a great example that shows that either some tests or the testing
methodology are not quite right and need a few more iterations.

This patch just removes a comment, so the ideal case is no delta in the
test results. Two things that may help improving the situation.

  1/ Some tests may be unreliable. It's be great to have a way to mark
  them as such and display that state in the results so we don't worry
  too much if an unreliable test fails. I think the test itself is a
  great place to store that information.

  2/ The reference against which this delta is taken seems not
  completely up to date, otherwise we would have fewer failing cases?

Some other remarks:

- I don't actually understand some of the delta shown:

  IVB: Intel_gpu_tools, igt_gem_bad_reloc_negative-reloc, NSPT(7, 
M21M34M4)PASS(12, M34M21M4) -> NSPT(1, M34)PASS(3, M34)

  going from NPST to NSPT, which is that line shown? IVB shows
  pass/total=545/546->545/546 and yet we have two IVB lines in the

- What does 'count' means in the results below?

- The results are somewhat hard to read and would benefit from a bit
  more formatting, even if just alignment of columns.

- You're missing the In-reply-to header in your answers which breaks
  mail threading

- It'd be great to have public links with logs to inspect the failure



On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 11:21:35PM -0800, shuang...@intel.com wrote:
> Tested-By: PRC QA PRTS (Patch Regression Test System Contact: 
> shuang...@intel.com)
> -------------------------------------Summary-------------------------------------
> Platform: baseline_drm_intel_nightly_pass_rate->patch_applied_pass_rate
> BYT: pass/total=291/291->290/291
> PNV: pass/total=356/356->356/356
> ILK: pass/total=372/372->365/372
> IVB: pass/total=545/546->545/546
> SNB: pass/total=380/380->379/380
> HSW: pass/total=579/579->579/579
> BDW: pass/total=434/435->434/435
> -------------------------------------Detailed-------------------------------------
> test_platform: test_suite, test_case, result_with_drm_intel_nightly(count, 
> machine_id...)...->result_with_patch_applied(count, machine_id)...
> BYT: Intel_gpu_tools, 
> igt_gem_userptr_blits_forked-sync-swapping-multifd-mempressure-interruptible, 
> PASS(4, M31M38) -> NO_RESULT(1, M38)PASS(3, M38)
> ILK: Intel_gpu_tools, igt_kms_flip_bcs-wf_vblank-vs-dpms-interruptible, 
> DMESG_WARN(3, M26)PASS(4, M26) -> DMESG_WARN(1, M26)PASS(3, M26)
> ILK: Intel_gpu_tools, igt_kms_flip_flip-vs-dpms-off-vs-modeset, DMESG_WARN(2, 
> M26)PASS(2, M26) -> DMESG_WARN(2, M26)PASS(2, M26)
> ILK: Intel_gpu_tools, igt_kms_flip_flip-vs-modeset-vs-hang, NSPT(1, 
> M26)DMESG_WARN(1, M26)PASS(2, M26) -> DMESG_WARN(1, M26)PASS(3, M26)
> ILK: Intel_gpu_tools, igt_kms_flip_flip-vs-wf_vblank-interruptible, 
> DMESG_WARN(1, M26)PASS(6, M26) -> DMESG_WARN(1, M26)PASS(3, M26)
> ILK: Intel_gpu_tools, igt_kms_flip_nonexisting-fb-interruptible, 
> DMESG_WARN(1, M26)PASS(3, M26) -> DMESG_WARN(2, M26)PASS(2, M26)
> ILK: Intel_gpu_tools, igt_kms_flip_plain-flip-ts-check-interruptible, 
> DMESG_WARN(1, M26)PASS(3, M26) -> DMESG_WARN(2, M26)PASS(2, M26)
> ILK: Intel_gpu_tools, igt_kms_setmode_invalid-clone-single-crtc, FAIL(3, 
> M26)DMESG_FAIL(1, M26)TIMEOUT(17, M37M6M26)PASS(1, M26) -> TIMEOUT(1, 
> M26)PASS(3, M26)
> IVB: Intel_gpu_tools, igt_gem_bad_reloc_negative-reloc, NSPT(7, 
> M21M34M4)PASS(12, M34M21M4) -> NSPT(1, M34)PASS(3, M34)
> IVB: Intel_gpu_tools, igt_kms_setmode_invalid-clone-single-crtc, TIMEOUT(18, 
> M34M21M4)PASS(1, M21) -> TIMEOUT(1, M34)PASS(3, M34)
> SNB: Intel_gpu_tools, igt_kms_setmode_invalid-clone-single-crtc, TIMEOUT(18, 
> M35M22)PASS(1, M35) -> TIMEOUT(1, M22)PASS(3, M22)
> BDW: Intel_gpu_tools, igt_gem_reset_stats_ban-bsd, DMESG_WARN(1, M28)PASS(18, 
> M42M30M28) -> PASS(4, M28)
> BDW: Intel_gpu_tools, igt_kms_setmode_invalid-clone-single-crtc, TIMEOUT(18, 
> M42M30M28)PASS(1, M28) -> TIMEOUT(1, M28)PASS(3, M28)
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