Be more verbose about the state size we generate.

Signed-off-by: Mika Kuoppala <>
 tools/null_state_gen/intel_null_state_gen.c | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/null_state_gen/intel_null_state_gen.c 
index c72796b..353556a 100644
--- a/tools/null_state_gen/intel_null_state_gen.c
+++ b/tools/null_state_gen/intel_null_state_gen.c
@@ -32,8 +32,6 @@
 #include "intel_batchbuffer.h"
-#define STATE_ALIGN 64
 extern int gen6_setup_null_render_state(struct intel_batchbuffer *batch);
 extern int gen7_setup_null_render_state(struct intel_batchbuffer *batch);
 extern int gen8_setup_null_render_state(struct intel_batchbuffer *batch);
@@ -47,36 +45,52 @@ static void print_usage(char *s)
+/* Creates the intel_renderstate_genX.c file for the particular
+ * GEN product
+ */
 static int print_state(int gen, struct intel_batchbuffer *batch)
        int i;
+       unsigned long cmds;
+       fprintf(stderr, "Generating for gen%d\n", gen);
        printf("#include \"intel_renderstate.h\"\n\n");
+       /* Relocation offsets.  These are byte offsets in the golden context
+        * batch buffer where the BB graphics address will be added to
+        * the indirect state offset already stored in those locations.  The
+        * resulting value will inform the GPU where the indirect states are.
+        */
        printf("static const u32 gen%d_null_state_relocs[] = {\n", gen);
        for (i = 0; i < batch->cmds->num_items; i++) {
                if (intel_batch_is_reloc(batch, i))
                        printf("\t0x%08x,\n", i * 4);
-       printf("\t%d,\n", -1);
-       printf("};\n\n");
+       printf("\t-1,\n};\n\n");
+       /* GPU commands to execute to set up the RCS golden state.  This
+        * state will become the default config.
+        */
        printf("static const u32 gen%d_null_state_batch[] = {\n", gen);
        for (i = 0; i < intel_batch_num_cmds(batch); i++) {
+               const int offset = i * 4;
                const struct bb_item *cmd = intel_batch_cmd_get(batch, i);
                printf("\t0x%08x,", cmd->data);
                if (debug)
-                       printf("\t /* 0x%08x %s '%s' */", i * 4,
-                              intel_batch_type_as_str(cmd), cmd->str);
+                       printf("\t /* 0x%08x %s '%s' */", offset,
+                               intel_batch_type_as_str(cmd), cmd->str);
-               if (i * 4 == batch->cmds_end_offset)
+               if (offset == batch->cmds_end_offset) {
+                       cmds = i + 1;
                        printf("\t /* cmds end */");
+               }
                if (intel_batch_is_reloc(batch, i))
                        printf("\t /* reloc */");
-               if (i * 4 == batch->state_start_offset)
+               if (offset == batch->state_start_offset)
                        printf("\t /* state start */");
                if (i == intel_batch_num_cmds(batch) - 1)
@@ -87,9 +101,15 @@ static int print_state(int gen, struct intel_batchbuffer 
        printf("};\n\nRO_RENDERSTATE(%d);\n", gen);
+       fprintf(stderr, "Commands %lu (%lu bytes)\n", cmds, cmds * 4);
+       fprintf(stderr, "State    %lu (%lu bytes)\n", batch->state->num_items, 
batch->state->num_items * 4);
+       fprintf(stderr, "Total    %lu (%lu bytes)\n", batch->cmds->num_items, 
batch->cmds->num_items * 4);
+       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
        return 0;
+/* Selects generator function for the given product and executes it. */
 static int do_generate(int gen)
        struct intel_batchbuffer *batch;

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