Hi Team:

I work for AAEON an Asus company who makes embedded, long life, motherboards. I 
am running into a situation with a large customer of mine that wants to use a 
15.6" LCD Panel, 
  connected to the EMB-BT1 with the n2807 SOC, I have also tried the 
E3825/E3845 series and have the same issue, 
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/52392/EMB-BT1.pdf connected via the LVDS 
Connector. AAEON takes the eDP port and runs it through a Chrontel CH7511, 
 chip to convert it to the LVDS Signal.

The issue I am having is when LVDS is only connected and the system boots up I 
do not get a picture on the LCD Panel. Once I kill power to the board and 
connect a HDMI or VGA connection the board boots up with Ubuntu 14.04. I am 
able to boot into the BIOS and check all the settings but once I leave the BIOS 
and Ubuntu tries to start up I get a white screen on the LCD Panel. Here is a 
video I took: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/52392/LVDS.mp4. I have been 
trying to load the daily and drm-intel-nightly builds of the latest kernel but 
this issue still comes up. I have even tried today's build of 2014-05-15.

I know this is something with the Linux Kernel because when I load up Windows 8 
I get a picture automatically every time without this white screen. I also have 
tried Timesys 18 Fedora Remix Image: 
 and I do not experience this issue.

Please contact me if you have any questions or things to try. My contact is in 
my signature below. Thank you for looking at this issue.

Dominik Rozek
District Sales Manager
AAEON Electronics, Inc.
11 Crown Plaza, Hazlet, NJ 07730
T: 732-203-9300   l   F: 732-203-9311   l    E: domin...@aaeon.com
C: 872-201-0158   l   Remote Office: Chicago, IL   l   www.aaeonusa.com  
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