On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 12:07:41PM +0000, Sharma, Shashank wrote:
> Thanks again David, 
> Comments inline. 

Three things:
- Please don't send out .pptx files to upstream/public mailing lists,
  that's just not how the upstream community works.

- Please either fix up ms outlook to do proper in-line quoting or switch
  to a proper mail client for discussions on dri-devel. I'm ok with this
  on intel-gfx to some extend since that's our own turf, but on dri-devel
  the usual rules apply.

- I think we should discuss this internally first or at least just on

David, thanks for taking a look at this but imo this shouldn't have
escaped yet to the public. My apologies for wasting your time trying to
review this proposal.

Thanks, Daniel

> Regards
> Shashank
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Herrmann [mailto:dh.herrm...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 5:10 PM
> To: Sharma, Shashank
> Cc: intel-gfx@lists.freedesktop.org; dri-de...@lists.freedesktop.org; Ville 
> Syrjälä; Thierry Reding; Alex Deucher; Sean Paul; robdcl...@gmail.com; 
> Mukherjee, Indranil; Jindal, Sonika; Korjani, Vikas; Shankar, Uma; Cn, 
> Ramakrishnan
> Subject: Re: Design review request: DRM color manager
> Hi
> On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 12:21 PM, Sharma, Shashank 
> <shashank.sha...@intel.com> wrote:
> > 1) Why do you register only a single property? Why not register a separate 
> > property for each color-correction that is available? This way you can drop 
> > the property-id and use the high-level DRM-prop IDs/names.
> >>> That’s the whole idea of color manager. If we keep on creating properties 
> >>> for each color correction, there would be a big list and a lot of 
> >>> properties will be exposed. Instead one common blob which can represent 
> >>> all the properties, correction values and identifiers. It would be easy 
> >>> to club with atomic modeset kind-of designs also I believe.
> Where is the difference? With one _well-defined_ property for each type we 
> simply move the identification one level up. With your approach you just move 
> the type-id one level down into the blob.
> Or in other words: Where is the difference between calling
> SetProperty() n-times, or calling it once but with a parameter describing 
> n-properties? With atomic-modesetting we can set as many properties as we 
> want and make the kernel apply them atomically.
> >>> Actually we also do not want to populate the property space also, as if 
> >>> there are 10 color correction methods possible for a hardware, we might 
> >>> end up listing 10 properties.  And there won't be common properties 
> >>> across all the hardwares also. For example, Hardware A can have 
> >>> properties X Y Z but Hardware B can have W X and Z. This will make the 
> >>> property space inconsistent. But if we provide one common interface which 
> >>> will cover for all the properties, for all the hardwares in a single 
> >>> blob. The driver will dynamically register its property, in its own 
> >>> preferred name. A get_prop() will always list down all the supported 
> >>> color property by this hardware and driver.   
> > 2) What is the CRTC-ID for? DRM properties can be set on a specific CRTC 
> > and/or plane. Isn't that enough information for the driver?
> >>> This is to make it HW agonist. Actually that's CRTC ID / Plane ID / PIPE 
> >>> ID / all together an identifier. For example if I want to set gamma 
> >>> correction for sprite planes only, not on primary plane or pipe level, on 
> >>> VLV, its possible. This gives me flexibility to mention fine-tuned 
> >>> correction even in a CRTC.  The driver's .enable method can take decision 
> >>> on this identifier based on the hardware capabilities.
> Yeah, but I meant the drmModeObjectSetProperty() ioctl already tales a 
> CRTC/Plane/Connector ID. So why duplicate that information in the blob? And 
> more importantly, what happens if you call
> drmModeObjectSetProperty() on a plane but specify a CRTC ID in the blob? 
> Seems weird to me to support such setups.
> >>> The design is to register color-manager as a CRTC property, to make it 
> >>> consistent, and then give the fine tuning via this identifier byte. 
> Else we have to keep track of this in userspace, that which property is valid 
> for which extent. For example, Hue and saturation correction, on VLV, can be 
> applied on Sprite planes only(not on primary plane). So we have to send a 
> plane as an object here. 
> Rather in color manager case, we will always send the CRTC as an object to 
> IOCTL, but will specify SPRITE_PLANE as identifier. Does this sound less 
> weird now  :) ? 
> > 3) Please document the payload for each of the properties you define.
> > If the property is a blob, there is no reason to make the properties 
> > generic. User-space requires a common syntax across all drivers, otherwise, 
> > it cannot make use of generic properties and you should use 
> > driver-dependent properties instead.
> >>> Can you please elaborate a bit more ? I believe that a blob is a superset 
> >>> of single and multi-valued properties. So we can use the byte defined for 
> >>> <no of correction bytes> and specify both single value and multi value 
> >>> correction using the same interface, >> method and protocol.  So any 
> >>> userspace can just follow this, any can give commands to any driver.
> Well, your document doesn't describe the payload at all. I just wanted a 
> description of what kind of information is expected. Number of arguments, 
> argument size, argument types, argument description.. and so on.
> >>>> Sure, I will further document it very clearly about arguments and 
> >>>> descriptions. Actually we have discussed the protocol in the color EDID 
> >>>> section, which tells us about the 4 byte protocol and expectation, but 
> >>>> that’s elementary. 
> > 4) We have a tuple-type for properties. So in case you only need 32bit 
> > payloads for a given property, you can combine enable/disable and value in 
> > a single 64bit property.
> >>> But properties like CSC and Gamma correction need multiple correction 
> >>> values, up to 256 32-bit values. For this we need more no of values. AM I 
> >>> getting it right ?
> Sure.
> Thanks
> David
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Daniel Vetter
Software Engineer, Intel Corporation
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