From: Sagar Kamble <>

Signed-off-by: Sagar Kamble <>
 tests/kms_cursor_crc.c | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/kms_cursor_crc.c b/tests/kms_cursor_crc.c
index 38aa1ab..4458248 100644
--- a/tests/kms_cursor_crc.c
+++ b/tests/kms_cursor_crc.c
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
 #include "igt_debugfs.h"
 #include "igt_kms.h"
+int    w = 0, h = 0;
 enum cursor_type {
@@ -170,7 +172,7 @@ static void test_crc(test_data_t *test_data, enum 
cursor_type cursor_type,
        /* enable cursor */
        igt_assert(drmModeSetCursor(data->drm_fd, test_data->crtc_id,
-                                   data->fb[cursor_type].gem_handle, 64, 64) 
== 0);
+                                   data->fb[cursor_type].gem_handle, w, h) == 
        if (onscreen) {
                /* cursor onscreen, crc should match, except when white visible 
cursor is used */
@@ -180,32 +182,32 @@ static void test_crc(test_data_t *test_data, enum 
cursor_type cursor_type,
                do_test(test_data, left, right, top, bottom);
                /* 2 pixels inside */
-               do_test(test_data, left - 62, right + 62, top     , bottom     
-               do_test(test_data, left     , right     , top - 62, bottom + 
-               do_test(test_data, left - 62, right + 62, top - 62, bottom + 
+               do_test(test_data, left - (w - 2), right + (w - 2), top     , 
bottom     );
+               do_test(test_data, left     , right     , top - (w - 2), bottom 
+ (w - 2));
+               do_test(test_data, left - (w - 2), right + (w - 2), top - (w - 
2), bottom + (w - 2));
                /* 1 pixel inside */
-               do_test(test_data, left - 63, right + 63, top     , bottom     
-               do_test(test_data, left     , right     , top - 63, bottom + 
-               do_test(test_data, left - 63, right + 63, top - 63, bottom + 
+               do_test(test_data, left - (w - 1), right + (w - 1), top     , 
bottom     );
+               do_test(test_data, left     , right     , top - (w - 1), bottom 
+ (w - 1));
+               do_test(test_data, left - (w - 1), right + (w - 1), top - (w - 
1), bottom + (w - 1));
        } else {
                /* cursor offscreen, crc should always match */
                test_data->crc_must_match = true;
                /* fully outside */
-               do_test(test_data, left - 64, right + 64, top     , bottom     
-               do_test(test_data, left     , right     , top - 64, bottom + 
-               do_test(test_data, left - 64, right + 64, top - 64, bottom + 
+               do_test(test_data, left - w, right + w, top     , bottom     );
+               do_test(test_data, left     , right     , top - w, bottom + w);
+               do_test(test_data, left - w, right + w, top - w, bottom + w);
                /* fully outside by 1 extra pixels */
-               do_test(test_data, left - 65, right + 65, top     , bottom     
-               do_test(test_data, left     , right     , top - 65, bottom + 
-               do_test(test_data, left - 65, right + 65, top - 65, bottom + 
+               do_test(test_data, left - (w + 1), right + (w + 1), top     , 
bottom     );
+               do_test(test_data, left     , right     , top - (w + 1), bottom 
+ (w + 1));
+               do_test(test_data, left - (w + 1), right + (w + 1), top - (w + 
1), bottom + (w + 1));
                /* fully outside by 2 extra pixels */
-               do_test(test_data, left - 66, right + 66, top     , bottom     
-               do_test(test_data, left     , right     , top - 66, bottom + 
-               do_test(test_data, left - 66, right + 66, top - 66, bottom + 
+               do_test(test_data, left - (w + 2), right + (w + 2), top     , 
bottom     );
+               do_test(test_data, left     , right     , top - (w + 2), bottom 
+ (w + 2));
+               do_test(test_data, left - (w + 2), right + (w + 2), top - (w + 
2), bottom + (w + 2));
                /* fully outside by a lot of extra pixels */
                do_test(test_data, left - 512, right + 512, top      , bottom   
@@ -251,9 +253,9 @@ static bool prepare_crtc(test_data_t *test_data, uint32_t 
        /* x/y position where the cursor is still fully visible */
        test_data->left = 0;
-       test_data->right = connector.config.default_mode.hdisplay - 64;
+       test_data->right = connector.config.default_mode.hdisplay - w;
        test_data->top = 0;
-       test_data->bottom = connector.config.default_mode.vdisplay - 64;
+       test_data->bottom = connector.config.default_mode.vdisplay - h;
        /* make sure cursor is disabled */
        igt_assert(drmModeSetCursor(data->drm_fd, test_data->crtc_id, 0, 0, 0) 
== 0);
@@ -314,20 +316,29 @@ static void create_cursor_fb(data_t *data,
        cairo_t *cr;
-       data->fb_id[cursor_type] = kmstest_create_fb2(data->drm_fd, 64, 64,
+       data->fb_id[cursor_type] = kmstest_create_fb2(data->drm_fd, w, h,
        cr = kmstest_get_cairo_ctx(data->drm_fd,
-       kmstest_paint_color_alpha(cr, 0, 0, 64, 64, r, g, b, a);
+       kmstest_paint_color_alpha(cr, 0, 0, w, h, r, g, b, a);
        igt_assert(cairo_status(cr) == 0);
        data_t data = {};
+       int     c;
+       char    args[10];
+       printf("\nEnter Width and Height of Cursor Plane (64x64, 128x128):");
+       scanf("%s", args);
+       if (sscanf(args, "%dx%d", &w, &h) != 2) {
+               printf("\nInvalid arguments");
+               return -1;
+       }

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