On Wed, 12 Feb 2014, Chris Wilson <ch...@chris-wilson.co.uk> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 11:05:40AM +0800, Aaron Lu wrote:
>> The ACPI table on ASUS UX302LA has more than 8 output devices under the
>> graphics controller device node. The problem is, the real active output
>> device, the LCD panel, is listed the last. The result is, the LCD's
>> device id doesn't get recorded in the active device list CADL array and
>> when the _DCS control method for the LCD device is executed, it returns
>> 0x1d, meaning it is not active. This affects the hotkey delivery ASL
>> code that will not deliver a notification if the output device is not
>> active on backlight hotkey press.
>> I don't see a clean way to solve this problem since the operation region
>> spec doesn't allow more than 8 output devices so we have no way of
>> storing all these output devices. The fact that output devices that have
>> _BCM control method usually means they have a higher possibility of being
>> used than those who don't made me choose a simple way to work around
>> the buggy firmware by replacing the last entry in CADL array with the one
>> that has _BCM control method. There is no specific reason why the last
>> entry is picked instead of others.
> Another possibility is that the connector list is in rough priority
> order so might be useful for sorting the CADL array.
> Since the CADL should only be a list of currently active devices, we
> could just bite the bullet and repopulate it correctly after every
> setcrtc.

Agreed. Per spec,

DIDL: Writes - Graphics driver writes to this field once during its
initialization after determining platform supported connectors.

CPDL: Writes - Graphics driver writes to this field on every monitor
detection process.

CADL: Writes - Graphics driver writes to this field on every mode set
process and during boot.

And for all of the above: Writes - System BIOS POST or ASL code should
not write to these fields.


Jani Nikula, Intel Open Source Technology Center
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