On 4/5/23 18:25, Alex Williamson wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Apr 2023 14:04:51 +0000
> "Liu, Yi L" <yi.l....@intel.com> wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>>> From: Eric Auger <eric.au...@redhat.com>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 8:20 PM
>>> Hi Yi,
>>> On 4/1/23 16:44, Yi Liu wrote:  
>>>> for the users that accept device fds passed from management stacks to be
>>>> able to figure out the host reset affected devices among the devices
>>>> opened by the user. This is needed as such users do not have BDF (bus,
>>>> devfn) knowledge about the devices it has opened, hence unable to use
>>>> the information reported by existing VFIO_DEVICE_GET_PCI_HOT_RESET_INFO
>>>> to figure out the affected devices.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Yi Liu <yi.l....@intel.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>  drivers/vfio/pci/vfio_pci_core.c | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
>>>>  include/uapi/linux/vfio.h        | 24 ++++++++++++-
>>>>  2 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/drivers/vfio/pci/vfio_pci_core.c 
>>>> b/drivers/vfio/pci/vfio_pci_core.c
>>>> index 19f5b075d70a..a5a7e148dce1 100644
>>>> --- a/drivers/vfio/pci/vfio_pci_core.c
>>>> +++ b/drivers/vfio/pci/vfio_pci_core.c
>>>> @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
>>>>  #include <asm/eeh.h>
>>>>  #endif
>>>> +#include <uapi/linux/iommufd.h>
>>>>  #include "vfio_pci_priv.h"
>>>> @@ -767,6 +768,20 @@ static int vfio_pci_get_irq_count(struct  
>>> vfio_pci_core_device *vdev, int irq_typ  
>>>>    return 0;
>>>>  }
>>>> +static struct vfio_device *
>>>> +vfio_pci_find_device_in_devset(struct vfio_device_set *dev_set,
>>>> +                         struct pci_dev *pdev)
>>>> +{
>>>> +  struct vfio_device *cur;
>>>> +
>>>> +  lockdep_assert_held(&dev_set->lock);
>>>> +
>>>> +  list_for_each_entry(cur, &dev_set->device_list, dev_set_list)
>>>> +          if (cur->dev == &pdev->dev)
>>>> +                  return cur;
>>>> +  return NULL;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>>  static int vfio_pci_count_devs(struct pci_dev *pdev, void *data)
>>>>  {
>>>>    (*(int *)data)++;
>>>> @@ -776,13 +791,20 @@ static int vfio_pci_count_devs(struct pci_dev *pdev, 
>>>> void  
>>> *data)  
>>>>  struct vfio_pci_fill_info {
>>>>    int max;
>>>>    int cur;
>>>> +  bool require_devid;
>>>> +  struct iommufd_ctx *iommufd;
>>>> +  struct vfio_device_set *dev_set;
>>>>    struct vfio_pci_dependent_device *devices;
>>>>  };
>>>>  static int vfio_pci_fill_devs(struct pci_dev *pdev, void *data)
>>>>  {
>>>>    struct vfio_pci_fill_info *fill = data;
>>>> +  struct vfio_device_set *dev_set = fill->dev_set;
>>>>    struct iommu_group *iommu_group;
>>>> +  struct vfio_device *vdev;
>>>> +
>>>> +  lockdep_assert_held(&dev_set->lock);
>>>>    if (fill->cur == fill->max)
>>>>            return -EAGAIN; /* Something changed, try again */
>>>> @@ -791,7 +813,21 @@ static int vfio_pci_fill_devs(struct pci_dev *pdev, 
>>>> void  
>>> *data)  
>>>>    if (!iommu_group)
>>>>            return -EPERM; /* Cannot reset non-isolated devices */
>>>> -  fill->devices[fill->cur].group_id = iommu_group_id(iommu_group);
>>>> +  if (fill->require_devid) {
>>>> +          /*
>>>> +           * Report dev_id of the devices that are opened as cdev
>>>> +           * and have the same iommufd with the fill->iommufd.
>>>> +           * Otherwise, just fill IOMMUFD_INVALID_ID.
>>>> +           */
>>>> +          vdev = vfio_pci_find_device_in_devset(dev_set, pdev);
>>>> +          if (vdev && vfio_device_cdev_opened(vdev) &&
>>>> +              fill->iommufd == vfio_iommufd_physical_ictx(vdev))
>>>> +                  vfio_iommufd_physical_devid(vdev, &fill->devices[fill-
>>>> cur].dev_id);
>>>> +          else
>>>> +                  fill->devices[fill->cur].dev_id = IOMMUFD_INVALID_ID;
>>>> +  } else {
>>>> +          fill->devices[fill->cur].group_id = iommu_group_id(iommu_group);
>>>> +  }
>>>>    fill->devices[fill->cur].segment = pci_domain_nr(pdev->bus);
>>>>    fill->devices[fill->cur].bus = pdev->bus->number;
>>>>    fill->devices[fill->cur].devfn = pdev->devfn;
>>>> @@ -1230,17 +1266,27 @@ static int vfio_pci_ioctl_get_pci_hot_reset_info(
>>>>            return -ENOMEM;
>>>>    fill.devices = devices;
>>>> +  fill.dev_set = vdev->vdev.dev_set;
>>>> +  mutex_lock(&vdev->vdev.dev_set->lock);
>>>> +  if (vfio_device_cdev_opened(&vdev->vdev)) {
>>>> +          fill.require_devid = true;
>>>> +          fill.iommufd = vfio_iommufd_physical_ictx(&vdev->vdev);
>>>> +  }
>>>>    ret = vfio_pci_for_each_slot_or_bus(vdev->pdev, vfio_pci_fill_devs,
>>>>                                        &fill, slot);
>>>> +  mutex_unlock(&vdev->vdev.dev_set->lock);
>>>>    /*
>>>>     * If a device was removed between counting and filling, we may come up
>>>>     * short of fill.max.  If a device was added, we'll have a return of
>>>>     * -EAGAIN above.
>>>>     */
>>>> -  if (!ret)
>>>> +  if (!ret) {
>>>>            hdr.count = fill.cur;
>>>> +          if (fill.require_devid)
>>>> +                  hdr.flags = VFIO_PCI_HOT_RESET_FLAG_IOMMUFD_DEV_ID;
>>>> +  }
>>>>  reset_info_exit:
>>>>    if (copy_to_user(arg, &hdr, minsz))
>>>> @@ -2346,12 +2392,10 @@ static bool vfio_dev_in_files(struct  
>>> vfio_pci_core_device *vdev,  
>>>>  static int vfio_pci_is_device_in_set(struct pci_dev *pdev, void *data)
>>>>  {
>>>>    struct vfio_device_set *dev_set = data;
>>>> -  struct vfio_device *cur;
>>>> -  list_for_each_entry(cur, &dev_set->device_list, dev_set_list)
>>>> -          if (cur->dev == &pdev->dev)
>>>> -                  return 0;
>>>> -  return -EBUSY;
>>>> +  lockdep_assert_held(&dev_set->lock);
>>>> +
>>>> +  return vfio_pci_find_device_in_devset(dev_set, pdev) ? 0 : -EBUSY;
>>>>  }
>>>>  /*
>>>> diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/vfio.h b/include/uapi/linux/vfio.h
>>>> index 25432ef213ee..5a34364e3b94 100644
>>>> --- a/include/uapi/linux/vfio.h
>>>> +++ b/include/uapi/linux/vfio.h
>>>> @@ -650,11 +650,32 @@ enum {
>>>>   *                                              struct 
>>>> vfio_pci_hot_reset_info)
>>>>   *
>>>> + * This command is used to query the affected devices in the hot reset for
>>>> + * a given device.  User could use the information reported by this 
>>>> command
>>>> + * to figure out the affected devices among the devices it has opened.
the 'opened' terminology does not look sufficient here because it is not
only a matter of the device being opened using cdev but it also needs to
have been bound to an iommufd, dev_id being the output of the
dev-iommufd binding.

By the way I am now confused. What does happen if the reset impact some
devices which are not bound to an iommu ctx. Previously we returned the
iommu group which always pre-exists but now you will report invalid id?
>>>> + * This command always reports the segment, bus and devfn information for
>>>> + * each affected device, and selectively report the group_id or the dev_id
>>>> + * per the way how the device being queried is opened.
>>>> + *        - If the device is opened via the traditional group/container 
>>>> manner,
>>>> + *          this command reports the group_id for each affected device.
>>>> + *
>>>> + *        - If the device is opened as a cdev, this command needs to 
>>>> report  
>>> s/needs to report/reports  
>> got it.
>>>> + *          dev_id for each affected device and set the
>>>> + *          VFIO_PCI_HOT_RESET_FLAG_IOMMUFD_DEV_ID flag.  For the affected
>>>> + *          devices that are not opened as cdev or bound to different 
>>>> iommufds
>>>> + *          with the device that is queried, report an invalid dev_id to 
>>>> avoid  
or not bound at all
>>> s/bound to different iommufds with the device that is queried/bound to
>>> iommufds different from the reset device one?  
>> hmmm, I'm not a native speaker here. This _INFO is to query if want
>> hot reset a given device, what devices would be affected. So it appears
>> the queried device is better. But I'd admit "the queried device" is also
>> "the reset device". may Alex help pick one. 😊
>       - If the calling device is opened directly via cdev rather than
>         accessed through the vfio group, the returned
>         vfio_pci_depdendent_device structure reports the dev_id
>         rather than the group_id, which is indicated by the
>         vfio_pci_hot_reset_info.  If the reset affects devices that
>         are not opened within the same iommufd context as the calling
>         device, IOMMUFD_INVALID_ID will be provided as the dev_id.
> But that kind of brings to light the question of what does the user do
> when they encounter this situation.  If the device is not opened, the
> reset can complete.  If the device is opened by a different user, the
> reset is blocked.  The only logical conclusion is that the user should
> try the reset regardless of the result of the info ioctl, which the
> null-array approach further solidifies as the direction of the API.
> I'm not liking this.  Thanks,
> Alex


>>>> + *          potential dev_id conflict as dev_id is local to iommufd.  For 
>>>> such
>>>> + *          affected devices, user shall fall back to use the segment, 
>>>> bus and
>>>> + *          devfn info to map it to opened device.
>>>> + *
>>>>   * Return: 0 on success, -errno on failure:
>>>>   *        -enospc = insufficient buffer, -enodev = unsupported for device.
>>>>   */
>>>>  struct vfio_pci_dependent_device {
>>>> -  __u32   group_id;
>>>> +  union {
>>>> +          __u32   group_id;
>>>> +          __u32   dev_id;
>>>> +  };
>>>>    __u16   segment;
>>>>    __u8    bus;
>>>>    __u8    devfn; /* Use PCI_SLOT/PCI_FUNC */
>>>> @@ -663,6 +684,7 @@ struct vfio_pci_dependent_device {
>>>>  struct vfio_pci_hot_reset_info {
>>>>    __u32   argsz;
>>>>    __u32   flags;
>>>> +#define VFIO_PCI_HOT_RESET_FLAG_IOMMUFD_DEV_ID    (1 << 0)
>>>>    __u32   count;
>>>>    struct vfio_pci_dependent_device        devices[];
>>>>  };  
>>> Eric  

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