On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 12:56 PM, Robert Navarro <crsh...@gmail.com> wrote:

I too am having the same issue. I'm running on kernel 3.12.6 (just updated)
> The issue happens less frequently, but it still happens and it's quite
> annoying.
> Previously I would just get lines like this:
> [  342.071567] [drm:ilk_display_irq_handler], Pipe B FIFO underrun
> [  342.071584] [drm:cpt_serr_int_handler], PCH transcoder B FIFO underrun
> But after the recent kernel update it looks like there are some more debug
> messages being sent out like this:
> [  624.430107] [drm:i915_driver_open],
> [  624.439972] [drm:i915_gem_context_create_ioctl], HW context 1 created
> [  624.450177] [drm:i915_gem_context_destroy_ioctl], HW context 1 destroyed
> I have a bug open for this, but I haven't heard a response on next steps
> unfortunately :(
> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70254
> --
> Robert Navarro

I've gone ahead and updated to the latest nightly:

Linux rnavarro-thinkpad 3.13.0-994-generic #201401100405 SMP Fri Jan
10 09:05:49 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

The release done on 1/10/14

I'm still getting the underruns, they're actually a bit more frequent
now. Right after I logged in I got one one my second monitor, and then
shortly after another on my first.

The latest log can be found here (01-10-2014 drm-intel-nightly):

Robert Navarro
Intel-gfx mailing list

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