Add kernel_param_ops and callbacks to use a class-map to validate and
apply input to a sysfs-node, which allows users to control classes
defined in that class-map.  This supports uses like:

  echo 0x3 > /sys/module/drm/parameters/debug

IE add these:

 - int param_set_dyndbg_classes()
 - int param_get_dyndbg_classes()
 - struct kernel_param_ops param_ops_dyndbg_classes

Following the model of kernel/params.c STANDARD_PARAM_DEFS, these are
non-static and exported.  This might be unnecessary here.

get/set use an augmented kernel_param; the arg refs a new struct
ddebug_class_param, which contains:

- A ptr to user's state-store; a union of &ulong for drm.debug, &int
  for nouveau level debug.  By ref'g the client's bit-state _var, code
  coordinates with existing code (like drm_debug_enabled) which uses
  it, so existing/remaining calls can work unchanged.  Changing
  drm.debug to a ulong allows use of BIT() etc.

- FLAGS: dyndbg.flags toggled by changes to bitmap. Usually just "p".

- MAP: a pointer to struct ddebug_classes_map, which maps those
  class-names to .class_ids 0..N that the module is using.  This
  class-map is declared & initialized by DECLARE_DYNDBG_CLASSMAP.

- map-type: 4 enums DD_CLASS_TYPE_* select 2 input forms and 2 meanings.

numeric input:
  DD_CLASS_TYPE_DISJOINT_BITS   integer input, independent bits. ie: drm.debug
  DD_CLASS_TYPE_LEVEL_NUM       integer input, 0..N levels

classnames-list (comma separated) input:
  DD_CLASS_TYPE_DISJOINT_NAMES  each name affects a bit, others preserved
  DD_CLASS_TYPE_LEVEL_NAMES     names have level meanings, like kern_levels.h

_NAMES    - comma-separated classnames (with optional +-)
_NUM      - numeric input, 0-N expected
_BITS     - numeric input, 0x1F bitmap form expected

_DISJOINT - bits are independent
_LEVEL    - (x<y) on bit-pos.

_DISJOINT treats input like a bit-vector (ala drm.debug), and sets
each bit accordingly.  LEVEL is layered on top of this.

_LEVEL treats input like a bit-pos:N, then sets bits(0..N)=1, and
bits(N+1..max)=0.  This applies (bit<N) semantics on top of disjoint


A potentially typical _DISJOINT_NAMES use:

       > /sys/module/drm/parameters/debug_catnames

A naive _LEVEL_NAMES use, with one class, that sets all in the
class-map according to (x<y):

  : problem seen
  echo +L7 > /sys/module/test_dynamic_debug/parameters/p_level_names
  : problem solved
  echo -L1 > /sys/module/test_dynamic_debug/parameters/p_level_names

Note this artifact:

  : this is same as prev cmd (due to +/-)
  echo L0 > /sys/module/test_dynamic_debug/parameters/p_level_names

  : this is "even-more" off, but same wo __pr_debug_class(L0, "..").
  echo -L0 > /sys/module/test_dynamic_debug/parameters/p_level_names

A stress-test/make-work usage (kid toggling a light switch):

  echo +L7,L0,L7,L0,L7,L0,L7,L0,L7,L0,L7,L0,L7 \
       > /sys/module/test_dynamic_debug/parameters/p_level_names

ddebug_apply_class_bitmap(): inside-fn, works on bitmaps, receives
new-bits, finds diffs vs client-bitvector holding "current" state,
and issues exec_query to commit the adjustment.

param_set_dyndbg_classes(): interface fn, sends _NAMES to
param_set_dyndbg_classnames() and returns, falls thru to handle _BITS,
_NUM internally, and calls ddebug_apply_class_bitmap().  Finishes by
updating state.

param_set_dyndbg_classnames(): handles classnames-list in loop, calls
ddebug_apply_class_bitmap for each, then updates state.


_LEVEL_ is overlay on _DISJOINT_; inputs are converted to a bitmask,
by the callbacks.  IOW this is possible, and possibly confusing:

  echo class V3 +p > control
  echo class V1 -p > control

IMO thats ok, relative verbosity is an interface property.

_LEVEL_NUM maps still need class-names, even though the names are not
usable at the sysfs interface (unlike with _NAMES style).  The names
are the only way to >control the classes.

 - It must have a "V0" name,
   something below "V1" to turn "V1" off.
   __pr_debug_cls(V0,..) is printk, don't do that.

 - "class names" is required at the >control interface.
 - relative levels are not enforced at >control

_LEVEL_NAMES bear +/- signs, which alters the on-bit-pos by 1.  IOW,
+L2 means L0,L1,L2, and -L2 means just L0,L1.  This kinda spoils the
readback fidelity, since the L0 bit gets turned on by any use of any
L*, except "-L0".

All the interface uncertainty here pertains to the _NAMES features.
Nobody has actually asked for this, so its practical (if a little
tedious) to split it out.

Signed-off-by: Jim Cromie <>
. drop kp->mod->name as unneeded (build-dependent) <lkp>
. param_set_dyndbg_classnames, not _class_strings
. DD_CLASS_TYPE_* name changes, per Jason
. callbacks:
  extend comments on DD_CLASS_TYPE_* handling, flow notes
  varname changes
. kdoc tweaks
. add stub macro: #define KP_NAME(kp)   kp->name
  later, add "$module." prefix when config doesn't do it
. s/struct ddebug_classes_bitmap_param/struct ddebug_class_param/
. fix levels state handling

v4 had trouble where level-type's state was fouled by conversion to
bitmap form given to apply-bitmap.  fix by:

   add old-bits, new-bits to sysfs-iface&support
   in param_set_dyndbg_class{es,names}():
      move state-saving inside switches, and tailor it to type.
      this preserves lvl-state, vs -v4 which didnt.

I could "hack" in an offset, but the problem feels deeper.

The root-problem may be the ambiguity wrt 0x0 > knob; per a
input-is-assert-bitpos interpretation, it turns on bit 0.

Thus far, code has avoided this ambiguity, by recommending against
coding pr_dbg_cls(V0|L0, ""), which makes "+L0" & "-L0" equivalent,
and "0" silent.

That might be "too clever by 1/2"; accepting an int, so -1 means
all-bits-off as well as verbosity-off, might be the better way.

 include/linux/dynamic_debug.h |  21 ++++
 lib/dynamic_debug.c           | 212 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 233 insertions(+)

diff --git a/include/linux/dynamic_debug.h b/include/linux/dynamic_debug.h
index 9073a43a2039..41682278d2e8 100644
--- a/include/linux/dynamic_debug.h
+++ b/include/linux/dynamic_debug.h
@@ -119,6 +119,15 @@ struct _ddebug_info {
        unsigned int num_classes;
+struct ddebug_class_param {
+       union {
+               unsigned long *bits;
+               unsigned int *lvl;
+       };
+       char flags[8];
+       const struct ddebug_class_map *map;
 int ddebug_add_module(struct _ddebug_info *dyndbg, const char *modname);
@@ -278,6 +287,10 @@ void __dynamic_ibdev_dbg(struct _ddebug *descriptor,
                                   KERN_DEBUG, prefix_str, prefix_type, \
                                   rowsize, groupsize, buf, len, ascii)
+struct kernel_param;
+int param_set_dyndbg_classes(const char *instr, const struct kernel_param *kp);
+int param_get_dyndbg_classes(char *buffer, const struct kernel_param *kp);
 /* for test only, generally expect drm.debug style macro wrappers */
 #define __pr_debug_cls(cls, fmt, ...) do {                     \
        BUILD_BUG_ON_MSG(!__builtin_constant_p(cls),            \
@@ -324,6 +337,14 @@ static inline int ddebug_dyndbg_module_param_cb(char 
*param, char *val,
                                rowsize, groupsize, buf, len, ascii);   \
        } while (0)
+struct kernel_param;
+static inline int param_set_dyndbg_classes(const char *instr, const struct 
kernel_param *kp)
+{ return 0; }
+static inline int param_get_dyndbg_classes(char *buffer, const struct 
kernel_param *kp)
+{ return 0; }
+extern const struct kernel_param_ops param_ops_dyndbg_classes;
diff --git a/lib/dynamic_debug.c b/lib/dynamic_debug.c
index db96ded78c3f..009f2ead09c1 100644
--- a/lib/dynamic_debug.c
+++ b/lib/dynamic_debug.c
@@ -596,6 +596,218 @@ static int ddebug_exec_queries(char *query, const char 
        return nfound;
+/* apply a new bitmap to the sys-knob's current bit-state */
+static int ddebug_apply_class_bitmap(const struct ddebug_class_param *dcp,
+                                    unsigned long *new_bits, unsigned long 
+#define QUERY_SIZE 128
+       char query[QUERY_SIZE];
+       const struct ddebug_class_map *map = dcp->map;
+       int matches = 0;
+       int bi, ct;
+       v2pr_info("apply: 0x%lx to: 0x%lx\n", *new_bits, *old_bits);
+       for (bi = 0; bi < map->length; bi++) {
+               if (test_bit(bi, new_bits) == test_bit(bi, old_bits))
+                       continue;
+               snprintf(query, QUERY_SIZE, "class %s %c%s", 
+                        test_bit(bi, new_bits) ? '+' : '-', dcp->flags);
+               ct = ddebug_exec_queries(query, NULL);
+               matches += ct;
+               v2pr_info("bit_%d: %d matches on class: %s -> 0x%lx\n", bi,
+                         ct, map->class_names[bi], *new_bits);
+       }
+       return matches;
+/* stub to later conditionally add "$module." prefix where not already done */
+#define KP_NAME(kp)    kp->name
+#define CLASSMAP_BITMASK(width) ((1UL << (width)) - 1)
+/* accept comma-separated-list of [+-] classnames */
+static int param_set_dyndbg_classnames(const char *instr, const struct 
kernel_param *kp)
+       const struct ddebug_class_param *dcp = kp->arg;
+       const struct ddebug_class_map *map = dcp->map;
+       unsigned long curr_bits, old_bits;
+       char *cl_str, *p, *tmp;
+       int cls_id, totct = 0;
+       bool wanted;
+       cl_str = tmp = kstrdup(instr, GFP_KERNEL);
+       p = strchr(cl_str, '\n');
+       if (p)
+               *p = '\0';
+       /* start with previously set state-bits, then modify */
+       curr_bits = old_bits = *dcp->bits;
+       vpr_info("\"%s\" > %s:0x%lx\n", cl_str, KP_NAME(kp), curr_bits);
+       for (; cl_str; cl_str = p) {
+               p = strchr(cl_str, ',');
+               if (p)
+                       *p++ = '\0';
+               if (*cl_str == '-') {
+                       wanted = false;
+                       cl_str++;
+               } else {
+                       wanted = true;
+                       if (*cl_str == '+')
+                               cl_str++;
+               }
+               cls_id = match_string(map->class_names, map->length, cl_str);
+               if (cls_id < 0) {
+                       pr_err("%s unknown to %s\n", cl_str, KP_NAME(kp));
+                       continue;
+               }
+               /* have one or more valid class_ids of one *_NAMES type */
+               switch (map->map_type) {
+               case DD_CLASS_TYPE_DISJOINT_NAMES:
+                       /* the +/- pertains to a single bit */
+                       if (test_bit(cls_id, &curr_bits) == wanted) {
+                               v3pr_info("no change on %s\n", cl_str);
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       curr_bits ^= BIT(cls_id);
+                       totct += ddebug_apply_class_bitmap(dcp, &curr_bits, 
+                       *dcp->bits = curr_bits;
+                       v2pr_info("%s: changed bit %d:%s\n", KP_NAME(kp), 
+                                 map->class_names[cls_id]);
+                       break;
+               case DD_CLASS_TYPE_LEVEL_NAMES:
+                       /* cls_id = N in 0..max. wanted +/- determines N or N-1 
+                       old_bits = CLASSMAP_BITMASK(*dcp->lvl);
+                       curr_bits = CLASSMAP_BITMASK(cls_id + (wanted ? 1 : 0 
+                       totct += ddebug_apply_class_bitmap(dcp, &curr_bits, 
+                       *dcp->lvl = (cls_id + (wanted ? 1 : 0));
+                       v2pr_info("%s: changed bit-%d: \"%s\" %lx->%lx\n", 
KP_NAME(kp), cls_id,
+                                 map->class_names[cls_id], old_bits, 
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       pr_err("illegal map-type value %d\n", map->map_type);
+               }
+       }
+       kfree(tmp);
+       vpr_info("total matches: %d\n", totct);
+       return 0;
+ * param_set_dyndbg_classes - class FOO >control
+ * @instr: string echo>d to sysfs, input depends on map_type
+ * @kp:    kp->arg has state: bits/lvl, map, map_type
+ *
+ * Enable/disable prdbgs by their class, as given in the arguments to
+ * DECLARE_DYNDBG_CLASSMAP.  For LEVEL map-types, enforce relative
+ * levels by bitpos.
+ *
+ * Returns: 0 or <0 if error.
+ */
+int param_set_dyndbg_classes(const char *instr, const struct kernel_param *kp)
+       const struct ddebug_class_param *dcp = kp->arg;
+       const struct ddebug_class_map *map = dcp->map;
+       unsigned long inrep, new_bits, old_bits;
+       int rc, totct = 0;
+       switch (map->map_type) {
+               /* handle [+-]classnames list separately, we are done here */
+               return param_set_dyndbg_classnames(instr, kp);
+               /* numeric input, accept and fall-thru */
+               rc = kstrtoul(instr, 0, &inrep);
+               if (rc) {
+                       pr_err("expecting numeric input: %s > %s\n", instr, 
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+               break;
+       default:
+               pr_err("%s: bad map type: %d\n", KP_NAME(kp), map->map_type);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       /* only _BITS,_NUM (numeric) map-types get here */
+       switch (map->map_type) {
+               /* expect bits. mask and warn if too many */
+               if (inrep & ~CLASSMAP_BITMASK(map->length)) {
+                       pr_warn("%s: input: 0x%lx exceeds mask: 0x%lx, 
+                               KP_NAME(kp), inrep, 
+                       inrep &= CLASSMAP_BITMASK(map->length);
+               }
+               v2pr_info("bits:%lx > %s\n", inrep, KP_NAME(kp));
+               totct += ddebug_apply_class_bitmap(dcp, &inrep, dcp->bits);
+               *dcp->bits = inrep;
+               break;
+               /* input is bitpos, of highest verbosity to be enabled */
+               if (inrep > map->length) {
+                       pr_warn("%s: level:%ld exceeds max:%d, clamping\n",
+                               KP_NAME(kp), inrep, map->length);
+                       inrep = map->length;
+               }
+               old_bits = CLASSMAP_BITMASK(*dcp->lvl);
+               new_bits = CLASSMAP_BITMASK(inrep);
+               v2pr_info("lvl:%ld bits:0x%lx > %s\n", inrep, new_bits, 
+               totct += ddebug_apply_class_bitmap(dcp, &new_bits, &old_bits);
+               *dcp->lvl = inrep;
+               break;
+       default:
+               pr_warn("%s: bad map type: %d\n", KP_NAME(kp), map->map_type);
+       }
+       vpr_info("%s: total matches: %d\n", KP_NAME(kp), totct);
+       return 0;
+ * param_get_dyndbg_classes - classes reader
+ * @buffer: string description of controlled bits -> classes
+ * @kp:     kp->arg has state: bits, map
+ *
+ * Reads last written state, underlying prdbg state may have been
+ * altered by direct >control.  Displays 0x for DISJOINT, 0-N for
+ * LEVEL Returns: #chars written or <0 on error
+ */
+int param_get_dyndbg_classes(char *buffer, const struct kernel_param *kp)
+       const struct ddebug_class_param *dcp = kp->arg;
+       const struct ddebug_class_map *map = dcp->map;
+       switch (map->map_type) {
+               return scnprintf(buffer, PAGE_SIZE, "0x%lx\n", *dcp->bits);
+               return scnprintf(buffer, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", *dcp->lvl);
+       default:
+               return -1;
+       }
+const struct kernel_param_ops param_ops_dyndbg_classes = {
+       .set = param_set_dyndbg_classes,
+       .get = param_get_dyndbg_classes,
 #define PREFIX_SIZE 64
 static int remaining(int wrote)

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