Hi Stephen,

On Wed, 20 November 2013 Stephen Clark <sclar...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Hi Bruno,
> I have tested the latest kernel and X, mesa etc, but am still using
> wine-1.3.24.
> I am working on upgrading that. If I still have the error I will file
> a bug report at bugs.freedesktop.org. I already have a login because
> of the same problem happening with Myst 5, but it was never resolved.

If you add an error_state file to the bug you should have rather good
chance to get it solved (of course mentioning the various software
versions in use - mesa, libdrm, xf86-video-intel, wine, kernel).

> Do you know if there is a comprehensive set of test I can run to make
> sure my hardware is OK. When I run dxdiag under wine it passes all
> tests, but then when trying to play Myst online or Myst 5
> I get the gpu hung situation.

I've not heard of a comprehensive test suite though.
It probably is a bug in the driver (libdrm, mesa or xf86-video-intel).

I think I've identified your bug as #32582 for the Myth 5 hang.
As Chris Wilson has already replied to it, it's maybe just a matter of
re-testing with current software, mentioning those versions (and
including error_state).
If you get no feedback you usually have a good chance attracting attention
to the bug(s) by showing up on #intel-gfx IRC channel on freenode and
referring to the bug (and stay around long enough to catch possible
replies - an be prepared to apply patches and recompile/test to verify
if a proposed fix helps).
If there are multiple games hanging the GPU (via Wine) they might even
all trigger the same issue, thus having error_state for both will be
an advantage.


> Anyway thanks for taking the time to respond.
> Regards,
> Steve
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